Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Wednesday, August 30: AM Rain then Sunny w/ Errands

This morning I woke up after a decent night of sleep that I really should repeat. Hey 

that rhymed! Anyhow, I got about 8 1/2 hours asleep which I really needed. I then ran into Pat. I was on vacation this week so I’ll be seeing him more than usual. We talked a bit and then as I was leaving I realized

 I had a whole bunch of Amazon stuff at my front door so I had to gather that up. It was a lot of yogurt, some Poppi soda, and a couple of 

banana and avocado. I then walked out the door and there was a drizzle going on. I was hoping to drizzle would stop, but the weather said it would go on for an 

hour. I went out to the train and the drizzle turned into it downpour and I got pretty wet so I bought a $20 brawl at CVS. the rain 

did stop and I had to takeoff my shirt to dry it out for sure. I didn’t have to take all my clothes off and put it in the dryer. Mike and I did a little bit of cleaning and created this new 
cleaning solution and mix a little bit of bleach little bit of stuff in 3/4 of water 
and did some cleaning which it really 

worked. We then went to the hospital to visit his friend Bonnie. She’s at the
Roach pavilion it got really hot out 

and sunny so I’m glad it put on me , my spray on sunscreen. He has an appointment 

at three. I’m probably gonna go to yoga today because 

I probably won’t be able to go tomorrow cause I’m doing my side gig job tomorrow in Ardmore. Anyhow, we got back from the

 University of Penn Hospital by taking the 40 bus back at King fairly quickly. I then chowed down on lunch and got some liquids in me. That was a good thing to get

 liquids in me that’s for sure. And I just relaxed and enjoy the air conditioning
because it got pretty hot today. Anyhow, I found out from Td bank some bad news so I have to deal with that issue when it comes up I also confirmed or attempted

 to confirm my lodging in Costa Rica and rude and email about that. The scheduler called and they would except my work, but I had to 
go back 

down there today, so I went down to the sketch club wire the thing while I was there and took care of that. I talked on the phone I mean arrangements for this evening to hang out and have some 

fun. I also changed my schedule tomorrow from 10 AM to 5 PM just for that one day supply 29 eight I gotta get the class. Class was pretty good. Only problem with my heel was acting up. It was on the fourth floor so wasn’t as humid. Dan 

talked to class and then after class I went out to eat and a place called Rosies tacos. Used.  
qto be called Roosevelts pub  back in the day. I didn’t realize it but there’s an apartment complex called the Roosevelt right next to it Anyhow, that was really

 fun. I took Uber home because I didn’t feel like dealing with SEPTA. Pat sent me a message that he and Mike met up so I didn’t have to Uber for him

 and Mike took down the awning that was 
hanging by a thread at the front door.  I came home, ate a bad batch of blueberries, and went to bed. It was an interesting day 

of overall. Tomorrow is the last day of August and then we roll into September. And try to move forward and stuff. 

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