Thursday, August 29, 2024

Wednesday, August 28: Hot w/ Work Request

Well, I woke up today after a decent night of sleep, but I was pretty

 tired. I could’ve slept a long time. Anyway, I got the Mike’s late, but I’m working late today because of 530 yoga

 and yin class today. I had to go back-and-forth to Wells Fargo because

 to make it deposit because they were required ID and I didn’t have his ID on the 

way back from getting his ID, I got a call from Citadel. They just told me 

that Mike got approval for Saturday and Sunday for six hours each day and they asked me if I wanted to 

do it. I was very startled by that request. I wasn’t ready for that. They 

would prefer to have me do itand would pay overtime for the seven hours I thought

 about it with Mary and I’m just not gonna do it. I can’t mentally handle

 it so we Mike and I have to talk and get this form resolved by 2 PM today. It’s 12:41 PM. Well, Mike and I talked and he wants to talk to the Medicaid people before responding

 to Citadel. It’s now 3:57 PM. Citadel just called me again about the hours thing. Just told me I told them that Mike wants to talk to the Keystone, 

which is the Medicaid provider who is paying for it.anyhow it is hot as all get out right now it’s 95°. That’s pretty

damn hot. Hasn’t been this hot couple of weeks. Well, I plan to get a nap in and get some liquids in because it’s gonna be hot as hell in the studio even with the breeze it’s blowing through here at 4:12 PM. I forgot to mention that Mike’s Scale was replaced today by Penn lady 

came right over programmed it and left. Virtue was going to do 

right outside, but then a parking spot opened up so she was able to come into Mike’s. Well, we had our class today

. It was taught by one of the new teachers blank. It was pretty full but 
a decent size class. It was steamy hot when I first walked in and I felt fairly strong, but by the afterwards I knew I was so thirsty, but ended 

up, drinking a whole 40 ounces of water practically before the class in class was really relaxing. Linda was back after being 
ill for about 10 🔟 days. She had the flu mellow and then we immediately

 ordered some food and 54 and then I’m gonna go home cause I gotta be in Mike’s

 on time because we’re being picked up for two doctors appointments . .

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