Friday, August 16, 2024

Friday, August 16: Flying to Buffalo and Concert

This morning I got up at 6:45 AM to get ready for my 10:02 AM flight to 

Buffalo. I didn’t really have time for breakfast. I just wanted to make sure I got to the airport two hours ahead of time. I caught the train right on time and arrived at the airport.

 The TSA pre-made the TSI line go really fast. It took me maybe five minutes to get through.I got myself a breakfast 

sandwich which really wasn’t too great and it was way over price but I have some protein. Well instead of flight leaving at 10:02. The flight is leaving at 10:43 because

 they believe in delays so American Airlines does believe in delaying flights. We also switched gates from C-20to C-22. I noticed the previous flight

 that we had that was listed on C2 2 was also delayed so I guess they’re just doing 
delays today. The AC in this waiting room 

is quite unbelievable. I tell you in the last half hour is airport is become totally crammed, but I got here at eight. It was really late now just crowded as hell here I’m going to be waiting longer than the flight. The flights going to 

be an hour and 20 minutes and I would’ve been here for almost 3 hours, still beats though. The first Harris-Trump debate will be taking place in Philadelphia at the national
Constitution center on September 10. 

They just announced the location. Right now haven’t started boarding. They’re 

having issues today. Well down 10:42 AM they’re just inspecting the plane

 to get us to launch about 45 minutes late. Let’s hear for capitalism. It’s now 12:22 PM I’m

 at the airport waiting for Kerry to pick me up and flight was late, 

but I met som nice people next to me and I made them laugh, etc. Took a quick nap and listen to Jethro Tull and Talking Heads on the way. I got picked 

up by Kerry and we dropped off her friend Alex. After we dropped off Alex, we drove out to Wegmans where we got a little 

bite to lunch. I got myself some kind of pasta salad thing in a big tub didn’t finish all of it, but it definitely cured my hunger. After that, 

I got some food banana pasta, super coffees, yogurt, etc. at the supermarket and that was good by the time we got back both of us were pretty tired. I took a nap for about 

40 minutes, but I forgot to charge my phone so I have 29% now I hope to get it up higher before we leave 4:45 PM for Chautauqua for the concert 

Melissa Estridge & the Indigo Girls. We’re going back to 1990s Pop lesbian rock baby. Kerry says it might rain so hopefully it’ll hold off long enough. Well, we 

went to the concert and there was a ton of people there the auditorium was really nicely laid out. We first took care of bathroom stuff in the women’s line was 15 to 20 minute wait so I talked on the phone for a little bit while

 waiting. We then went to our seats and we got really good seats right 

up in the front area about seven rows back. First came the indigo girls. I hadn’t

 realized they were going to be first. I was a little mixed up pretty good. They had a huge amount of band members

 and they had guys running around switching guitars after every 

single song and they play a full concert, practically by themselves. They 

got really good applause at the end so then in between concerts I decided I 

would go to The restroom. I’ve then talked to Mary while I was out there cause I didn’t 

matter if I missed this song or two. It was nice talking to her. And then went back to the concert. 

Melissa Estridge came on and her band had a very spare set, didn’t have as many
guys running around with guitars in their 

hands. They had a very animated sign language interpreter dude who was wearing a funky T-shirt. The enthusiasm grew is the concert went on and by the end people were dancing in the front area of the

 theater and man they put she put a long set and concert didn’t until , I say 11:30 PM I drove back an hour and a half home. Got home around 1 AM and I ate a 

bunch of pasta and I’m so damn hungry.  That’s one of the longest concerts. I’ve been too!! Kerry brought up a set list from the Indigo Girls social
media site. They did 18 songs. Melissa Esther did at least 12 of her songs. People got their moneys worth.
I m.       3️⃣ separate videos of today’s events because putting them all together would’ve been over 10 minutes long and that’s too long for a video and too long for my attention span or many other peoples attention span so the first one is leaving Philly. The second one is arriving at Buffalo and driving to the concert in the third one are snippets of the concert.

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