Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday August 25: Lunch with Dave and Mom

Hi! It’s Sunday morning and I got up at the Dorchester around 8:15. a.m. I went 

home through load of laundry and then the cleaning lady came in and I took a nap because I suddenly got really tired. She then finished in time for me 

to catch the 11 AM trolley immediate to meet my brother, so we could pick up mom and take her to lunch. Well, I got on the trolley

 and we’re doing the Delco and I talked to Wayne for a little bit and been texting back-and-forth with Mary & drinking my Supercoffe. Well, I got to media on time around 11:31 AM as the 

schedule stated. Then we drove down to Riddle Village and picked up mom who is sound asleep. She was so asleep. It was a bit scary…… Anyhow, she

 got changed and we decided to mix it up and go to a pizza place partial 

because I only had a T-shirt and that’s not good enough for the club to 

decide to mix it up. I got some vegetarian with with Greek cheese and 

feta cheese and Dave got pepperonis and mom got a mushroom pizza. 

It’s now 12:31 PM. Will be finished our pizza and that was very tasty and

relaxing. Then I caught a trolley back home and and I decided that I 

would just stay home. I didn’t get home till 2:20 PM. I’ve been spent the most of the day puttering around the house turning on my laptop that I barely use. My 

laptop is called the Yoga. That’s pretty funny. Anyway II went and organize stuff
on my desk, hung up my frame poster of my Yin training

 and then decided to go to a meeting at 8 PM at Upper Darby. That’s a bit of a rough 

but it was interesting. I think got home cooked up some leftovers. 

Talked on the phone for a little bit and saying happy tunes and got ready to go to 

bed. It was a nice relaxing day at the end of August.

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