Saturday, August 10, 2024

Saturday, August 10: Mike’s Hospital and Yoga

This morning I slept in till 10 o’clock since they weren’t going to release

 Mike from the hospital very soon. I figured they would stall on it. Mike told me they needed to do a sonogram and read it and I slept in and had breakfast 

with Mary she made up Eggs with garlic it was very very good. Had bread toast in it and that was really good I came up an idea. I just picked up my yoga clothes 

because I know the hospital is going to drag their feet on stuff. So I swapped out clothes and on the plane oh my God this train got all kinds of characters. 

Let’s just put it that way the group of three druggies and a couple wired out that’s for you. Anyhow, I’m just gonna go straight to eighth Street to Pennsylvania hospital 

and tell Work tell the place I’m picking them up that’s what I’m doing. I don’t care. Well, it’s now 2:17 PM and he’s now being officially discharged. The papers
came in. 

There’s a really nice nurse that came by and helped cut through the bureaucracy. She even brought in the wheelchair because they even because it wasn’t even assigned anybody

to bring up the wheelchair so we got very lucky probably would’ve waited another half hour sowe’re gonna slide the wheelchair ♿️ and call Uber and get the hell out of here Well, we 

got out of there and Lyft driver picked us up in a Tesla and I dropped Mike off. We’re sitting downstairs and I’m picking up the prescription water pills 

now it’s 2:41 PM. Well, of course, being the pharmacy department and being understaffed I gotta wait an extra 15 minutes for them to be ready for 

Mike’s water pill. So I’m gonna drink my ginger lime poppy I bought a Gatorade which I put back in the refrigerator case so it doesn’t get warm while I’m waiting for the pharmacy

 to slow the prescription. Listen to some folk country song about  “A rebel of a crippled daughter.“ What 

does that MEAN?!?🫤. It’s now 3:30 PM. I left Mike’s and I’m at 15th and Pine.

 Heading to the 4 o’clock Mia  class. Boy it’s nice weather and I actually 

got enough sleep. What a glorious thing that is. Drinking a juicy. I’m going to 

get there hopefully early enough, so I can just chill, I’ve seem to have lost Mary Phillies she gave me 🥵 I arrived at the studio and what do you know the Phillies hat was hanging where I left it 

yesterday in the men’s locker room at HYP. So I went to class

 and news a really good class. It wasn’t frighteningly humid and it was excellent actually. So 

after class went back to Mary’s and did some relaxing.I’m getting some Indian. The weather was such an improvement from yesterday. It’s not even funny

. It wasn’t as humid. The sun was out and the temperature was 86 but 

it was it a nice feeling 86° out. So we’re gonna watch 
endeavor and law and order British and American cop shows. Tomorrow Sunday, so I gotta get up extra early for visit mom and then I’m
 supposed to be back at 12:30 to Mary’s cause she has work showing at the sketch photography exhibit.

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