Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thursday, August 22: Yoga, Reiki and Meeting

This morning I got up and I was tired but not quite as tired love 

myself to sleep until 8 AM today. I think got to Mike’s in the usual way with SEPTA. I then got to Mike and his physical therapist came over and recommended that 

the little flies are flying around our drain flies. I’ve never heard of such things. I thought there were fruit flies, but we didn’t have any fruit so, so I boiled some water and poured scalding hot water down the drain I 

think next time I have to put a little vinegar in it. Anyhow I had an appointment with respiratory doctor at 1:30. Mike wanted to get their extra early so that’s what we did via the Uber, which is actually cheaper than Lyft . 

Saw Mike at 1:10 PM instead of making us wait till 130 which is good. It’s now to 11 PM. Mike’s been in there for almost an hour. Doctors 

like to take their time with Mike. I just read in the paper as of to 11 PM today
that The FDA approved the new vaccines for Covid so they 

say it will be available in a week. I hope to get it as soon as. I’ve been waiting

 for them to come out with the new vaccine so hopefully the CVS will 
have them soon and I’ll go down to 15th and Spruce. Well, we got back from the doctor. I made some hot water and vinegar and poured it down the drain. There’s such things as drain flies. Mike’s physical therapist Stated as a homeowner 

he had drain flies. They were they replaced the plumbing and that helped..

 Well Mike doesn’t have that option so he recommended boiling water and

 vinegar and that’s right dead. It’s now 308. I’m charging my phone 

which went down to 3% percent. Well I left Mike’s and had to turn around after two blocks because I forgot to sign in again, but I did get to the studio by 3:50 PM. My goodness 2nd

 class was hot and packed. There were three roast in today’s class. That was the most crowded 4 o’clock class. I’ve seen in many months. Rob taught 

the class. It was a good class and I enjoyed it. Took me a while to cool off, but I did manage to get down to 15th and JFK Boulevard to 33 bus @ 6:01 PM. It came 

right on time. Perfect weather outside right now not too cold. It’s not too hot. I have a Reiki session at 6:30 PM. I’ve
been to a session in two months I believe

. I decided to get a chicken Gyro before the vendor closes because right after I have my Reiki session I have
meeting to go to where I’m running the 

computer for two more weeks this week and next week. Hopefully I’m
 just gonna wait till everything ends to eat, but he won’t be open by time I get ready for the meeting. Boy that Reiki session was quite intense today. I was definitely a little wobbly after

 I left. I felt good but I felt definitely a change. I was a little bit out of it as well. Anyway, I assisted the chair of the meeting with the zoom stuff and that’s still it’s a bit, difficult for me fortunate person that was speaking was very savvy with the computer. I did better she said, but you know how self critical I can be. Meeting went well and then 49 bus was detoured so I missed that bus because the bus and then took the trolley and then took the L back home pretty quickly I also watched , Carla Harris acceptance speech was really handled the situation very well that’s a tough nut for the Democrats when it comes to some young voters. Well, I’m gonna go to bed. 

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