Friday, August 02, 2024

Friday, August 2: Work Errands and Hot🥵

This morning I got up at the usual 6:30 AM and then went back to sleep

 till 7:30 AM to really get up. I felt better rested today obviously I could have slept another hour and a half two hours, but I felt OK. Had my practice 

and headed on down and called the train to Mike’s. It was already hot and uncomfortable that early in the morning I was so glad that Mike had

 decent air conditioning . I did a little bit of cleanup and then went outside and met up with a Mr. Somerville and exchanged Pleasantries and took care

 of business there and then went upstairs. We then figured out what was going 

on with with the money and then I went over to the Wells Fargo and

 I could deposit into his business account, not his personal account. After I got that done went to the check cashing place and, got some stamps to mail the thing today senior

 place and to pay his pico bill which was behind. After that, just sat  around the house & ate lunch. 🥪. It was so stinky hot out that I didn’t wanna have to go 

out anymore than I had to so I stayed in the house. Did some stuff around Mike’s. Next 

thing you know it 330 crawled along and it was time to head on down to the 

Hot Yoga class at.4️⃣. So I went to the class and goddamn was that studio hot today 

definitely was hot! So we got taught by a new teacher today Hannah and

 it wasn’t too crowded but the room was hot fact they open the windows opened

 the doors and that basically saved us from completely passing out 

because humidity was really thick in the air felt dirty. Anyway, the class ended and we 

hung out with some people that were waiting for their vasa classes

 to start and I cooled off and drank tons of water. I felt nice Mary & I decided that we 

would have her delicious veggie burgers instead of going 

out for Indian for something different. Then we’re gonna watch endeavor, which is the name of the officer Morse when he was a younger fellow. We’re 

gonna have veggie burgers with sprouts that have micro nutrients. I want all you readers both of you just know that. The veggie 🍔 were quite tasty 4 sure. We then

 watched the precursor to Officer Morse called endeavor that’s his technically his name in the show. It’s a religious name and some religion Lutheran or something. 
Anyhow, August is upon us and the last month before choir starts and the fallen winter plans would have to be made. The only thing I’m 
doing in August that’s out of the ordinary is going to Buffalo and going to Phillies game speaking of which the Phillies have really been awful the 

last month. I don’t know what’s going on!! They are slumping hard. My brother got to see the Phillies lose against the Seattle Mariners and he took a really good picture of Trey Turner bat. They were losing eight nothing in the second inning.

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