Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tuesday, August 13: Yoga, Work, Phillies Game

I got up this morning after another deep dream. His dumbass hanging

 around with some doing criminal stuff. The alarm rang and that was the end of that. As I was finishing breakfast, Pat reminded me that I had my Amazon delivery

 waiting for me so we help bring in the stuffin the kitchen I got a ton of yogurt and poppies so so I had to pack them in before leaving. I wanted to 

get out earlier because have a 9 AM yoga I need to go to. You’re going to the Phillies game later on today. The bus that goes down Broad Street none of them

 showed up on time so I had to quickly run the Mike sign and get rid of all the fruit I brought and get the class. Well, I’m definitely

 going to be coming in late because it’s 858 and, I’m just approaching Walnut Street.  , I was about 5️⃣ minutes late to class, but there was plenty of space thank God so I got myself  set up. It was a little difficult. I was 

very very stiff, but I persevered and the class was good. Anyway, I ended up leaving my baseball cap and had to walk all the way back and found out that Mary 

had taken it for me so that’s fine. I remember to take it out of the locker room but left it on the bench. I think got back to Mike’s had lunch and the physical therapist 

cameand we took a nice walk outside. It’s really beautiful out here. I’m really glad I did go to the morning yoga now I don’t have to rush. I can go to Mary’s and maybe 

take a nap and relax, glorious shit and then go to the ball game. Well, as I signed out, For Mike and Alice called and we had a good 30 minute conversation about 

all kinds of stuff. So I walked to Mary’s and Mary was getting some tacos cause she’s feeling lightheaded and hungry so I’m up on the 11th floor sitting on this little

 lounge chair near the elevators and I’m gonna update this blog as we speak. Anyhow, Mary and I relax for a little while and then we headed out towards the Phillies game we’re joining a 

group from Mary’s church. So we got to the stadium via the Broad Street. Mary ran into a couple of people she knew from the church. Anyhow, got to the game seats are 

up at the 400 level but they’re not bad at all. Game started out with the pitcher of walking the first two batters and then they got two hits and it became to nothing. Phil and 

the Marlins got nothing. Phillies had on second third with two out and didn’t
 do anything. It’s now 7:58 PM as I was finished going to the restroom, we can hear the announcers talking soberly about  Phillies being in a rut and it’s off of the game

 not going great for the team right now they’re four and six over the last 10 games. They had a 6️⃣ game losing streak earlier. It’s a beautiful night for baseball 

couldn’t ask for better night it’s not humid. It’s not boiling hot not raining. 

Well, Phillies ended up losing five to nothing. 
The game was pretty sad. The Marlins didn’t kill it, but they did beat the Phillies handling man they’re not hitting with crap. I don’t think they’re doing much of 

anything. Anyhow, we then took the Broad Street shop back to Walnut Locust stop and then
 went back to Mary’s and, hung out for a little bit the trolley in 

the market Frankfurt line back to the Homestead. 

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