Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Tuesday, August 6: Kamala Harris Rally!!!👍🏼🆒

Good day, boys and girls, men and women of all creature races

 colors and ethnicities. Today is Tuesday, August 6 today’s the day that myself Mary and Eileen are going to go to the Kamala Harris rally at the Lis center at Temple University. It’s now 9:32 AM 

and it just leaked out that, Kamala Harris picked Tim Walz as her vice presidential running mate. She beat out Mark Kelly and Josh Shapiro for the job. 

This is going to be a very interesting day today. It is very very hot today. We’re supposed to get the remnants of the hurricane starting tonight
in into the next two days and it will be a 
lot cooler. I end up having to leave at 11 AM. I tried to sign out at 11 and 

the computer system didn’t let me. So I had to email Citadel. Mike was cool 

about it and I it’s very hot and I’m heading to the subway to meet my friend

 who’s going to be there in about 10 minutes. Well, it’s 12:20 PM. I met the café 

that’s on Walnut Street 15th and Broad and the traffic is really bad because

 they’re already blocking off Broad Street I believe. Fair here but it’s better than being outside 

which is hot as hell. Mary just took a shower and we are waiting 

here and plus I found a place where I can charge my phone so I don’t have a portable

 charger so I brought mycharger with me one of the 3️⃣ that I have. About 3:00 PM the doors

 open at 2 o’clock. We had to go through a meandering line around the accord

center around 16th St. We got it to behind the podium and we didn’t know 

why that you show up early and you get worse seats while the reason is, they wanna 

make sure that every seats filled in the top area. It so  you can’t see empty seats. Well, we are settled into our seats. We got our group got split up because people wouldn’t were willing to slide down seats so Mary and I are gathering our and Eileen by herself

 with another woman that we met. My goal right now between now 

and 5 o’clock is to get some goddamn food. What after an hour I got my 

food. It was good, but it was extremely greasy. I then had to go back to 

the restroom and degrease find myself. It was worth it cause we’ll be here

 till at least nine or 9:30 PM and then getting home that’s a whole Nother matter. 

Mayor Cherelle Parker just spoke, she was pretty good and now they’re 

trying to get people out of the concourse to fill up the seats and they are filling them up slowly

 but surely it’s now 4:53 PM. The official starts at 5 to 9 so I’m sure we’re going to

 hear from Governor Shapiro and some other Congress people and you know basically the opening cards like in boxing match. Well, the program went really well. First John Fetterman 

came out looking like a US UPS driver he was OK but a little bit off. He got some applies and then Bob Casey came on promoting his his 
own reelection which is coming up. It was OK, but the real star in the beginning was Josh Shapiro, who was probably the runner-up for the VP. He was on fire.
He was excellent. The crowd went wild for him. Well first the mayor came first before Fetterman. Almost
forgot that. Anyway, after that there was a marching band that came on and then, Harris came home with Tim walls, and the applause 

was deafening. oh my God was it it was electric out there. She spoke introducing him to the public since it was the first of stop on the swing seat tour that both of them were taking. Some commented
 on my personal text messages. She was taking so long, but nobody seemed to mind at the rally itself. Well, once Walsh spoke next and he 
on fire. He was great. He brought up debating JD Vance and said that he would debate him when he got off the couch and we all about lost it right there. Talked about crime being higher Donald Trump, and was definitely very good at what he does speaking and relating to the audience. The place was packed by the time  the speakers came on. And we really enjoyed it. It was pretty damn good. It was really exciting to be there. Mary’s  Sister and brother-in-law were a little bit late and went into the overflow room.
It was a good thing we got early even though

 our seats weren’t the best in the world. We could get a pretty good view. Getting home was a bit difficult but not as bad as it could’ve been. It was really crowded and we managed to squeeze on the 
train in the train. The Broad Street line performed what it was supposed to do.  Both Eileen 
and Mary had a good time. We all had to split because I need a guide Eileen back to my place so she could drive and Mary get off of Broad and Walnut and the rain came down really really hard. Eileen 

was leaving. I came home and just mellowed out cause I was pretty wiped I must say. I had a couple juices and talked on the phone and crashed had a little bit of problems to sleep but once I slept, I slept with felt pretty good. It was an excellent day. 

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