Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thursday August 15: Last Day Before Buffalo

This morning I got up and I was pretty damn tired, but I managed to get up packed my bag for my trip to Buffalo and get my food supplies for Mike’s. Fortunately 

today Mike has no appointments, but I have a two bags to take the airplane I think I overpacked. I was lucky I got

 soda and then my bus came from City Hall to route for the Bus. Well, I got to Mike’s and once I 

was at Mike’s I put some things away and we talked a bit. I also then 

started the laundry. Threw in the wash and then Mike ordered a huge amount

 of food. I mean, this was a ginormous amount of food and with the 

Mom’s Meals coming it’s going to be hard to fit everything in the fridge and thefreezer. But I got that food. I then ran out of charge on my phone and I had to charge 

my phone for a half hour. After that, I wrote a Citadel and I do have to put the official notice to take tomorrow off. So I gotta do that. I also have to make the 

reservation complete on my flight. I. It’s a formality to check in. I decided that I would just walk towards Mary’s to drop 
off the bag so I don’t have to lug it around in Yoga class. I plan to stay over so, it was better.

 Mary didn’t answer. I went ahead and figured I could leave it at the front desk. It was a beautiful day to walk around center killing time waiting for Mary to respond. She did respond and I 

went to the little store got a poppy drink and ran into Mary as she was coming in from the grocery store at 18thand Spruce. We both decided that we would take the 530 class instead of the

 4 o’clock class. Works for me because then I can check out on time and then I would go straight to my meeting

 tonight. Nice out it’s definitely warmer than the last two days, but 

it’s still pretty nice. Well, now 4:09 PM I left Mike’s and forgot my Phillies hat 

dammit! Anyway, I am heading towards Mary’s. Are we gonna go 

to the 530 class.. well, I got a little nap in at Mary’s, which is very pleasant and then 

scooted off to my 5:30 PM class with Miah. My class was extremely difficult in the beginning. I really

 labored through the standing poses, but she opened up the door and put the fan 

on and it was much more manageable for me. I then got up pretty

 quickly after Chavis her and still it was 7:22 PM when I got back to the bench and tied my shoes. Mary’s going
to order the Indian food and I’m going to 

eat it later. I usually don’t go to Mary Thursday night so late but today I’m going to. I locked out 48 as it was detouring. I missed my stop so I had to walk an extra five minutes

 back , I’m running the computers at the Meeting. The meeting went fine. 

I’m still a little shaky on the computer, but I got nice help. We had several new people. It was a decent 

meeting. I drank the rest of of my water. I caught the same old 49 bus got off at 21st and market and walked the rest of the way to Mary’s.

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