Monday, August 19, 2024

Sunday, August 18: Flight Canceled ✈️ 🤪😖

Today I slept in, and I felt really good. we end up hanging out because we’re going to decide what we wanted to do. We decided that we were just chill out

 for the day. Sun was out briefly so I decided to take a walk and walk around the neighborhood and that was nice just killing time. After I got back, it started raining 

and lo and behold I was tired so I took a quick nap and then we ordered some dinner. These mini calzones called pods. They sell the pizza place and they have

 an after I got back, it started raining and lo and behold I was tired so I took a quick nap and then we ordered some

 dinner. These mini calzones called pods that they saw this pizza place and they have a very expensive menu. I mean in Hot all kinds of fillings and toppings, so I got myself a pod with guacamole and. And some other 

vegetarian delight, which was very good. We were watching we decided to watch brother where Art thou and I was really enjoying it 

and then I got a newsflash on my phone that my flight tomorrow at 5:15 AM with merrily canceled!! I was really pissed off and upset so I looked around and just took the next flight I could get

 which is Tuesday morning at 5:15 AM on American

 Airlines. I thought  about taking Amtrak for $200 but after some indecision decided not to. I talked to Mary for a while and we talked about taking Amtrak with weird scenarios of travel. We had a good time. It was fun talking to her and finally went to bed 

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