Sunday, August 04, 2024

Sunday, August 4: Breakfast with Wes and Mom

I woke up at 8 8:30 AM this morning at the Dorchester I just quickly got

 dressed said my goodbyes and then headed out. I was really fortunate to catch the 

21 while waiting about five minutes. I was cool because I had time to go 

home. Get rid dump out my old yoga clothes, etc., and relax a little bit. I even grabbed a 

quickie breakfast while waiting for Wes to come over. I did confirm

 that Wes was coming over and he picked me up around 10:35 AM. Then drove to 

Riddle Village and picked up mom and took her to the court diner. 

They were packed and we got seated and we waited longer than I ever have at that place, 

but it was worth it. The food was good and we had a good conversationand 

around the Riddle village. It’s cloudy but the rain hasn’t started. Now I need to find out if I can possibly visit Nadine 
if she’s still gonna be out in Roxborough, I think I’m also gonna get some super coffee from Wes. Can’t get all of them because he left some of the stuff at his house. 

It’s now 1:13 PM. Hi, stay at home and relax for a while and realized I took mom’s phone. I told Dave and he got a little bit miffed and next thing Odie was distracted and the

 phone got disconnected. I didn’t want to promise I return it today so I didn’t rush to call him back and he didn’t call me back. I took a shower cause I was hot and

 nasty from all the heat and then Pat politely said he would take me out to Riddle Village. 
You know where the Joker is ha ha get 

it Riddle ha ha. How I returned the phone successfully and then We headed back and we took a wrong turn for a minute and we saw some deer right on East old 

Baltimore Pike a little side road right near Baltimore Pike. The rain is stopped. The sky is a lot clear than it was it now 5:25 PM. well, I got home and mellowed

 out and then I called my sister and walked to the cemetery and just walked around and sat and talked to her for a while, but all kind of topics from our family to 
Mike situation, etc. the humidity got worse as I sat out there and I finally 

had to go home because it was too uncomfortable so I decided to come home and cook up some pasta. Pat wasn’t
up for an Indian pack delight, so I 

cooked some pasta and threw a load of laundry in. 

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