Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Wednesday, August 7: Cooler! Mike Goes to ER

After a pretty good sleep, I got up showered and then headed on down to Mike’s. I 

saw how the temperatures were going so I shut down the AC because it looked like it was gonna rain off and on all day and be 20° cooler today than yesterday. I did go to CVS and pick 

up a couple scripts might from Mike. I did another errand and then headed back to Mike’s. When I got back, Michael told by the doctors to go to the emergency room. The only problem with going is that Mike had to 

work on the bankruptcy case he was on in formally file and pay for the filing and do that then he needed to print the things out. Of course the printer failed and

 his fax app wasn’t working so I need to print the informationon after I get back home from the yoga classes. I am so thankful that Mike tested negative for Covid. That’s a relief for sure. So 

around 3 PM today we got it LIFT to the emergency room and he’s now in for testing and I got permission to leave and a lift on their express plan back in time to sign out at a reasonable 

hour. So it’s now 4 PM I’m walking towards Mary’s and tried to get a Gatorade CVS
 but they don’t have any of the size I wanted so I just moved on. I think I might stop it or the special store near Mary and get some, but I don’t 

know yet. anyhow I did get myself a Pepsi and a large Gatorade one of 

those 28 ounce jobs since I had two classes I went to the class today 

and it wasn’t nearly as hot as normal because it wasn’t 95° and humid. I did 

however get a little dizzy and that was not fun in the beginning 

but it got better as class went on then went to a really chill in class with Linda. She had talked three weeks it was a really chill class. Found out that her and Evan are going to be performing on September 8 at 6 PM. That’s a Sunday. it’s now 9 o’clock. I’m going to pick up some Indian food. Report from Mike states that he got checked the EKG and blood but then they didn’t send them back yet so I don’t know what his status is. I’m afraid his phone died again, so I don’t know where he is. 

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