Thursday, August 08, 2024

Thursday, August 8: Cloudy, Faxes, Yoga and Mtg

Got up this morning and did my usual cereal and commuting 

to Mike’s place. I caught the train in time and the bus right away which helped me be on time. I brought Mike’s legal documents that I printed from last night and organized them. I was

 told that his client Somerville is not going to be be in today which was quite a relief. I then went to Staples around 9:45 AM And thankfully it wasn’t raining. I went there and the Philly law firm received the fax but Bucks County kept being busy. I even 

tried to call him while at Staples. They didn’t answer so that was that. I talked to Mike earlier in the morning around 9:30 AM and  Told me exactly  what to do when Mr. Somerville comes over tomorrow. It’s 

now 12:36 PM and I wasn’t Mike’s updating my blogging about the Harris rally that was on Tuesday and I tried to call Bucks County again and Mike again and neither of them answered

 the phone. Well, it’s out 1:05 PM and I completed a telehealth appointment and also I got a hold of Bucks County after calling three times and found out Mike had the last four digits wrong. 

The first digits should’ve been a 30 and it went right through. So I was glad that also Mike said he had test all morning so I’m going to call him now and then eat lunch. Well after at lunch, I talked

 to Mike and Mike can let me know tomorrow whether he’s going to be in the hospital over the weekend. Can’t believe Friday’s already here. I just heard from Mary and she wants to go to the 5:30pm instead, which is 

fine with me so I’ll go to the 530 and then hit the CODA right afterwards

, it hasn’t been hard but it’s really very very humid outside. That’s for sure. I just took 

a nice nap and Mary decided to just take it easy tonight which

 is probably a good idea this swamp ass weather we’re having. It’s not hot

 swamp ass moist cool swamp ass. Anyhow it’s a 90 minute 530 class 80s. my class is 

pretty damn hot. I do declare. But there’s plenty of ventilation so I was good. Mia corrected 

me on one of my poses that I Pushing my pelvic floor forward, instead of 

leaning back. It’s helpful because I can’t tell what I’m doing. anyhow, after class, I talked to 

Mills for a little bit and walked in cop 33 bus just time. I get there in time enough to grab a drink and go to the room and set up the computer for the meeting that was at 8:15 PM, not a lot of people in the room but a lot of people online we could meditation. I got home and had trouble sleeping. 

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