Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday, August 11: Mom and Gallery Opening

Today I woke up around 8:15 AM. Do you get ready to go visit mom 

at the Riddle Village. What I decided to do was to catch the media train out to Elwin and then take Uber straight to Riddle Village. The Uber guy took about three

 minutes to show up in five minutes to get there. This gave me an extra 40 minutes time which I really need. Actually cheaper than Lyft at this point so it’s not automatically cheaper to ride Lyft. I’m 

finding out. Show me to mom’s place and I took her for a walk and we did some 

puzzle solving on her weekly newsletter that Riddle village gives out. We hung 

out for a while and then I dropped mom off back where she is and was fortunate that the bus was coming right about the same time so I jumped on the 111 bus which got me to 

Upper Darby. And then I walked to 10 minutes from the station. 

Didn’t have time tonap or anything, but I did get changed to look a little more

 formal for the gallery opening. Got two photos accepted there

 and she wants me there by 12:30 for the 1 o’clock start. Right now it’s 12 noon and

 it’s gotten a lot since this morning, but it’s still pretty comfortable outside. 

Well, it’s 1224. I’m almost at the Dorchester now just updating this blog 

on the way. I also grab the super coffee and left my backpack at 

home cause I’m gonna go home early and do my laundries as customary on Sunday. 

Hopefully it won’t rain, but it’s not supposed to rain it at 12:30 and I just

 arrived at the Dorchester. Mary and I went to a walk to sketch club and it was

 a nice event. Her friend Kim was there and her friend Cindy Drue 

was there as well. She showed up later. Ran couple people I knew from being in the gallery before. There was really no rhyme or reason or how the guy picked the

 photos that he chose. He is a street photographer from what I heard.I got very very tired. My leg felt like rock. The award ceremony was pretty good and each of 

the people gave speeches. We did run to people we knew Gary and some other folks when I used to go to the gallery more often. The crab was pretty good actually. Anyhow
it went all very well. We went back to Mary’s place and I took a glorious nap which was really nice. That was a nice 45 minute nap that I really needed. 

I woke up from that and felt really great and I then went home. Did a big 

thing of laundry, including my sheets and put it around the house and stuff

. I’ll tell you I have to clean sheets just really great. I also ordered about 200 bucks worth of food and supplies from 

Amazon. They still don’t have any 20 ounce Gatorade I ordered the 12 ounce 

Gatorade just because they had them available. Sometime I have to go to CVS and buy that four pack of 20s for $7.50. I think it is. 
Anyhow, it was an interesting Sunday and enjoyable Sunday. Always good to get a nap or a big day like today. I got interesting phone call around 10:30. Good night.

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