Monday, August 05, 2024

Monday, August 5: Hot🥵 Stocks Plunge, Yoga

I woke up after pretty decent night sleep. I had already done the 

laundry & Hi, had already packed for Yoga. I just had to load up with drinks 
and that kind of thing. I got to Mike’s @ the usual

 time. I didn’t have the motivation to do a lot. It is REALLY HOT 🥵 out. I am so over it how hot it is outside
it’s really getting old. Also today the stock market took a huge plunge because 

job numbers went down so everybody’s overreacting. Well the feds probably do something about interest
rates of discontinues and the Republicans 

are gonna be cheering it on because a bad economy is good for them because 

they are assholes. I did get Mike some scripts and took a quick 11 minute

 power nap because suddenly the sun just sucked all the energy out of me. 
I know the sun‘s a life-giving force but without humidity it’s not so much. Getting ready to leave to go to 4 o’clock class,  This should be interesting
 in class
 with Byron teaching today. Tomorrow I probably can’t go to class because I’m going to the Kamala Harris rally which I’m a little nervous about because I can’t seem to get any final info of when to show up. It starts

 at 5 PM. I went to Byron’s 4 PM Hot Yoga class. It was a good class. He leftv plenty of Arians so it wasn’t too bad. I was a little tired, but it was a decent class. 

Evan’s going to Europe to sing three different countries for the next three weeks. I’m heading to an AA meeting which I’m gonna be about 5️⃣ minutes late. The meeting went well about struggles 

during early sobriety. I did enjoy that meeting. Right towards the end of the meeting I got my official email from the Kamala Harris campaign saying that I was accepted into the rally
 that’s happening tomorrow I went back to Mary and asked her about it and I also notified my friend Eileen about it as well so tomorrow’s gonna be a half-day at work apparently.I had my two samosas and then we watched Officer Morris as the young guy and that was pretty wild story that’s for sure. 

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