Friday, August 09, 2024

Friday, August 9: Lost 2 Days of Pay🤬

This morning started like any other day that I didn’t get enough sleep 

I got the Mike’s talk to Mike while I was in the hospital. Mr. Somerville was about 2 1/2 hours late. He didn’t bring all the forms Mike wanted it but I didn’t know that. Today 

should’ve visited the hospital. I was told to call them and at 1 o’clock and two hours later they called me at 3 o’clock. Well, they had some bad news for me. They can’t pay me Wednesday and Thursday.

 Try to take away Wednesday, but I pushed back hard on that since I worked with him most of the day Wednesday , the combination of only having two hours on Tuesdays 
and Thursday and Friday wiped out 
because they were worried about Medicaid billing. I got screwed. Mike
said to be released they agreed that

 I have to call them and tell them when Mike gets released from the hospital so 

looks like I’m working tomorrow but I don’t know when. I’ll just 

stay overnight at Mary’s and I guess I get a call from 
Mike when he gets released I have no idea. Very lucky right now. It’s 3:31 PM and it’s  not raining which is a good thing. We have a tornado watch, but that passed at 2 o’clock. Well, I went to yoga class today and oh my God it was so humid wasn’t the hottest class, but it was one of the most humid glasses. I’ve experience afterwards went to Mary’s and she served up a delicious veggie sandwich and we watched Goldfinger by a James Bond movie.

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