Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wednesday, August 14: Mike’s Appt.

Good morning I got up did my usual thing got to Mike’s and then I took some of the mail that was piled up and I’m gonna return them the sender. 
After I 

did that BS we called Lyft and went to the dentist when we got to the dentist basically I saw him and did nothing and said come back in two weeks. 
It was kind of a waste of time, but Mike 

kept postponing his appointment so maybe they just took their  revenge in a  passive aggressive way. Anyway, his next appointment is next Wednesday 

the 28th. After we got dropped by one driver and nice driver took us back and I figured let’s go for a walk while we’re already outside and Mike chowed down on his

 sandwich and that was that. After that, I talked to Donna for a little bit and then the nurse came and talk to Mike for a while. Her name is Jenny and she’s going to come 

twice a week. Mike’s schedule is pretty busy next week very busy the following week and I’m going to Buffalo in between all that and 

possibly going to Dave’s condo on that Monday, butI don’t know because I have a private lesson on Tuesday the 29th so it’s going 

to  be a little crowded anyway it’s nice going to my 2 o’clock appointment. 

Appointment was fine. I showed up on time and talked about my drunk

 dream that I had a couple nights ago and then it go went all the way to Alice to my choices. Divorce

 kind of went all over the place today. I also realize that my regular appointment

 isn’t till the 22nd so it’s not this week so there’s that, I’m gonna go to Mike’s. Give me scripts get some drinking. Had to Mary 

hang out until Yoga starts. Mike got a lovely package today. It was basically diabetes and diabetes

 in the box little Debbie’s Swiss rollsthey’re kind of like.. Hostess. I forgot to mention that Amazon 

just sent an email that they deliver my package but they delivered it to the 

back door instead of the front door. Anyway, hopefully it’s not gonna be 

stolen. Hopefully Pat will come home soon and pick it up and take it in it’s  super coffee and my icy drink on one box 

in the box looks pretty beaten up on the top. I’ve been getting the three gung ho Trump

 supporters that I have on my Facebook friends list popping up all the time

 now so I got to stop responding to him because they like arguing with people so I’d rather them sitting in their own circle jerk and not be a part of it. I’m heading to Yoga Mary’s taking 
the class off, but she’ll be there for Yin later on. Anyway, Dan had a good class today. I forgot to bring my thermos 

with me so I had to improvise and found out that the little dorm size refrigerator they had was removed. 
I just brought one Gatorade, fortunately wasn’t super boiling hot so I did OK. Shower between 

classes and Rob thought a very in classwith a little flow in there. Mary and I had dinner and I had it out to pack for my flight to Buffalo on Friday. 

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