Friday, November 08, 2019

Friday, November 8: The Cold Persists 😱

Well after a better nights sleep last night I managed to get up around 7:45 AM. I really ;wanted to take the day off but I figured I had a three day weekend

 coming up so I would just push through on a Friday. Well, how 

 uch is going on at work right now I’m just trying to keep up with the liquids  and keep myself hydrated. I didn’t have time to check out this funky story from Pittsburgh. I found 

 this story about a 70  year old Pittsburgh reporter getting injured at a Red Bull event. he is now suing Red Bull for his severe injuries. The comments are entertaining. Here’s the video. Watch to the very end. I don’t think the video makes this reporter look too good 

 specially if he’s trying to sue Red Bull for injuries. 
Redball argued in court  that a Pittsburgh television reporter 
had to know that rolling off a 30-foot-high 
 amp into the Ohio River while covering a Red Bull "Flugtag" event was an inherently dangerous act. I’ll definitely  ave to monitor this one. Why did my family works application that I got this 

 orning and found out through the email that my supervisor isn’t even in today. I decided I’d buy a winter hat and 
get some nice warm socks at the 

 ood old Ross right across the street from my office. I did get food and I’m pretty hungry my stomachs grumbling it’s now 12:58 PM. There’s something that I was going to send a summary 

 ut I forgot to send. This is Bill Maher stating that most mass shooters 

 re sexually frustrated young males. I agree with that 100% Well my initial 

 lans for the evening fell through so I’m hoping to meet someone for coffee 

 fterwards. There is no yoga at 5:30 and I probably shouldn’t do any anyway hopefully tomorrow

 afternoon I’ll feel up for it. Well after work I called my group got together at Starbucks at the Bellevue Stratford. They call
it. Very nice time Mike’s waiting for $300 from a client of his and I’m waiting for Gedot. No not  Bridget Bardot. Anyhow we hung 

 ut and fortunately across street there’s a Wawa because the public bathroom is always closed after dark. Well as the cold creeps like socialism 

 onwards I had dinner and realized I have to regulate just so soon my nose doesn’t 
 ry out so I have to do my cheat equals dried out nose to Little league on your cold delicate balance my friends. Good night be strong my friend.

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