Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Tuesday, November 26: Work on a Mild Day. Off to Fairmount

Well I thought of possibly going to the 6 AM class this morning 

 ut during the night both my knee started aching and that was a signal to me that no, I’m gonna give my niece a break. Doing that awkward

 pose is really difficult on my knees but I can do it, I just need a break to
 be safe.. I got into work on time and it was good to get the extra sleep. I got my boss 

 as feeling better from her cold but she still has a cough. I copied bunch of like keep applications.  I read various articles  
about how effed up Republicans are. Things like that Trump is “the chosen one.“ It’s been repeated by Jerry Falwell son and some other ask kissers of Trump. Anthony Scaramucci a.k.a. “the mooch“ explains the reasons why people say that Trump is the chosen one  It’s quite
fascinating. Also Tucker Carlson stated on his 

show that he was rooting for Russia to defeat Ukraine. Then he said he was “kidding.” Basically

 they support Russia because Russia is a white nationalist country

 and that’s what they are. They can deny it but it’s obvious. Anyhow being back

 here I’ve got a new report and one reverse referral and a bunch 

 f like heap to copy man. Beautiful day out here it’s about 60°. Well I  finished part 

 f the report and got the 33 just as it was arriving. I kept that from eighth and market. 

 ortunately it’s still mild outside but that’s going to change and we’re gonna get some rain. Well I was 

 reezing through the dating sites and talking to my 

 riend while drinking coffee over at the OCF Coffeehouse. I did come

  upon this article with a picture of Chief Justice John Roberts from Slate. It 

 as basically giving an overview of the next steps in the impeachment inquiry. Right now they’re taking

 away recess from the impeachment hearings due to the Thanksgiving holiday

 coming up. The meeting was interesting 4 sure. it was an interview format.

 One man led and another guy  picked people from a group list. He picked all the folks who 

 hare a lot to speak. It wasn’t bad it was just funny how I noticed that certain

 folks were Here’s something I’ve been watching. I’ve been watching 

 ome Steve Harvey clips.  THIS one won the prize. I even put it on Facebook.

You’ll see why I related to it. I had trouble sleeping my mind was racing but I just was in my cocoon. Well I think I’m isolating again. Work and Yoga take me off that slippery slope of her self punishment

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