After a good second part of sleep, I woke up this morning really groggy. I could’ve slept another two hours with ease. I did manage to push
of the buses were running up Broad Street very efficiently so I just walked the whole way up. Once I got
me that I had my doctor appointment and I looked and it was 1130. I
proceeded to go to that appointment and it went pretty well. It was
pretty routine. Next thing is that Mike and I took a walk when I got back and we ran into Limbo and talked
went up and ate and my battery died so I was charging up the battery. I ate lunch and started the fish yesterday‘s blog posting. I then took
Ended up they had the old Mastercard number and that’s why it didn’t work. The Customer Service there is pretty damn good. They resolve didn’t in no time.
10 days. But I’m in no hurry as long as it shows up. It’s now 3:13 PM. The day is winding down
hisbankruptcy cases working on. I’m planning to go to the 4 o’clock
class at Hot Yoga Philly. Oh I am running late. I had to reset my password for
work while talking to Alice. Well, I went to Byron‘s
class and it was really well attended. It went fine. I was pretty thirsty. I must say, but
the class was pretty good. Afterwards, I drank a lot of water and
hung out the studio and talked to Mary and I left together and then I went to
Monday Night Beginners forgetting that the annual anniversary get together
so it’s a little bit different than normal. Tonight was the anniversary meeting
and it was really good at sobriety countdown that was really cool. I
love that. That’s really cool. Went to that and met up with some people including
one guy who’s leading the CODA meeting this month he’s pretty cool. We talked a little bit and I helped do a little cleanup. I just found out when I peek at my phone that Pete Rose had died at at the age of 83. He leaves a very mixed legacy, considering how what a great player it was but also there’s a bit of a scumbag off the field.