Friday, September 06, 2024

Friday, September 6: Mike’s 📱 Yoga

Good day everybody today is Friday and I did get a better night sleep than last night. I started my day finding out that my Amazon delivery 

was delivered two doors from my house. Fortunately it was easy to see once I stepped out the door. They delivered 
it to 50 Hurley Court instead of 54 Hurley Court. I 

got the Mike’s relatively on time considering he had a doctor’s appointment. when
 I got to Mike’s, I found out that the doctors 

appointment was canceled because they had to shut down the building due to nonworking elevators and HVAC system. This building is only accessible 

by elevators that are guarded so I was glad because I just wasn’t up for all that running 

around the appointment is rescheduled for the 17th at 2 PM which might

 keep me at work later, but I’ll worry about that when I get to it. I went to try to get Mike’s phone hacked from being blocked by Google. He couldn’t do anything, but I was 

messing on the phone and got past the Google or avoided it , I brought the phone back and Michael able to get service and now he has a phone which 

is a great miracle. I also went to get scripts and a couple things at the 
MCVS today. It’s 2:17 PM right now. Well, I got his scripts and 
his Reese’s. They weren’t on sale, but he had a couple extra CVS Fox. I also published 

some provocative photos on Facebook at least they might be to some people

 of a model shoot and images of homeless men in the crowd. Well, we 

decided that we would go to 4 o’clock class and it was a good class. It 

was taught  by Marie. We then went to Fabio‘s and got a couple of eagles

 T-shirts, which was really fun and then we then went to the laundromat and figured

 out the high-tech way of paying for laundry. I’ll tell you we’re

 almost getting Jinni like and stuff and weird news of the day Dick Cheney and Kamala Harris today so that makes
 both Lis Cheney and her father dick Who used to be father evil back in the day. He was Mr. Halliburton guy. We watched the movie 
veep about Dick Cheney‘s time as vice 

president but basically it was a biographical movie about his life, and it was very well done was done by the 

same people who did the big short and had to the same actors as leads, which is in my mind, but it worked out pretty wellI even told 

Mary about the John Stewart skit about Cheney and how he ended up helping Ron by the stabilizing Iraq. Texting letting you know it 

was going on midnight time to get to bed. Tomorrow and Sunday our eventful days we’re going to funeral service tomorrow. Got to get up at 8 AM and then Sunday up to Huntington Valley the actual burial.

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