Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tuesday, September 24: Feeling Better. Yoga

Well today I got up after sleeping really soundly. I could’ve easily slept another two hours. It was a shame, but I got up and went. Did my morning thing.

 I caught the bus right away and got to Mike’s in an OK time. Once I got the Mike’s, we talked about some stuff. We made our plan for him to walk after he rested and did some of his Lawyer 

work for this fellow. I cannot name since it’s against the law but anyway he’s helping him out. First off, I went on Threads and saw that IUP allow Trump to speak at one of their buildings and I immediately

 emailed the alumni Association and called the media relations office. I was polite but firm. I basically said it made the university look like a third rate place. All she said was that “you were heard.“🧐We then went out

 to walk and he walked pretty far. We walked to 16th and south and I walked up to 17th and south to pick up his script. Well they gave him a script of Flonase instead of Flomax. Yes, 

they both begin with the letters, FNL, but it was total incompetence I’ve never Seen that before. I’ve heard about it on the news, but that is ranking confidence. Wow anyway I have to get a fast charge really soon 

because my phone was down to 2% and I’ll be lucky to get it too past 20% when with a fast charger it would be up to like 45% in a half hour. When Mike and I first went outside, I checked the 

temperature @ 1:09 PM and it’s at 71°. It did not feel like 71°. Little bit later

 on the sun did come out and it did feel a lot warmer, but it’s definitely a cooler 

night. I’m gonna bring my Citadel sweatshirt with me because by the

 time I get out of choir, it’s gonna be chilly. I have a feeling and that damn choir room gets really chilly so 

I have choir practice tonight and tomorrowGod it feels like a 

part-time job.  I’m bet I’m feeling better than I have in the last week. I got a cold 
right after I got back from the island yeah nothing major just a sinus runny nose. No I skipped yoga last Wednesday Thursday, but I’ve gone so far every day this week it’s good it clears my sinuses man. Chris 4 o’clock class was really good and handsome editorial comments about Yoga magazine and the state of politics and what not. It was pretty funny today. It was warm, but it wasn’t as humid as yesterday. I did struggle with my nose a little bit,
but it was a good class and it’s now 6:11 PM. I’m going to 

go to Mary’s in Mel for a little while before you were off the choir which starts at 7 PM.

 Hello. We’re on break. We practiced some new songs and I just learned 

how to use the app called ChoirGenius and then I went to the App Store to see 

if it needed upgrading that didn’t but there were 24 apps that needed 

updating today. Anyhow, we completed the practice and it went pretty well I must say. I have another one tomorrow believe it or not. Today definitely made progress on getting rid 

of this cold. Thank goodness that’s all I can say. When I got home, Pat came by and got a Gatorade. We talked for a bit. He was 

pretty tired. He thought it was midnight on Sunday when it was only Tuesday at 10:30 PM. It was good to see him again. It was a busy yet eventful day here in September 2024. Believer not September is almost over less than a week left and then it’s October believe it or not.

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