Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Wednesday, September 25: My iPhone is Dying

After a really hard sleep, a.k.a. a good sleep. I got up and took my sweet time getting ready. I just couldn’t

 move very fast. Another two hours of sleep and I would probably feel pretty damn good. Anyway, got the Mike’s his physical 

therapist came over and tried to help him with his prescription problem that I described yesterday on this blog. Then I went to CVS and got Mike some

 food with his food stamp card and then I came back and had to go to my Genius Bar appointment while I was going to the Genius Bar appointment. I 

got an email from da Vinci saying they could not budge on the 10 x 10 requirement to Show my photo at this exhibit that’s coming up called perennial visions. I then went to my Genius Bar 
appointment I scheduled last Friday and to just to replace a battery ran

 a whole bunch of test and they said my face ID is failing and my cellular is failing. So I’m on theiPhone death 
watch. In other words, the battery will completely die, or I won’t be able
 to use Face ID, or worse comes to 

worse the sailor won’t work and I won’t have any connection with my phone so I’m gonna see if this iPhone can last one more year for
the iPhone 17 I really

 didn’t wanna buy the new phone but here I am getting pressure so I’m just gonna hope that the phone doesn’t die unexpectedly while away in another country or another state like 

last tim. Anyway, I met Mary at the framing studio. We got that issue resolved and then Mary and I just sat at the café and I bought some

 more coffee we wrapped and slapped and had a nice time. She let me her umbrella and I was walking home when my therapist sent me a text about our 2 o’clock 

appointment. I completely forgot about it so it’s now 215 and I’m walking 

through the drizzle in the sizzle to get to his appointment. 

Jesus Christmas just so much going on today. anyhow, I made the appointment and made the best out of it. I talked about stuff from my past such as why I didn’t wanna have children, etc. After

 that I went to Mike’s had a Pepsi mellowed out and then I had headed to Mary’s and got there around 4:25 PM. We both relaxed and took a quick nap which was really nice. Let me want to the 530 class with Dan and that was

 good. I was it was very humid in there and but I felt really flexible and strong today compared to other days. Well after class I had to hustle on out due to the fact I had

 a choir rehearsal at 7:00 PM. I literally left the studio with my shirt off so I wouldn’t make my shirt wet from sweat from sweating so I 

did that got there around 15 minutes late, but there wasn’t a big deal. Rehearsal was intense but positive. We have to memorize this thing with 22 rehearsals

 that’s it and the second one is the dress rehearsal. I didn’t have Spotify, but I was shown how to find the movements on YouTube so it’s on my YouTube history 

so I’ll just have to play them over and over again because yikes the second movement we do is a lot to memorize the first one isn’t too bad. I left around 9:35 PM and looks like the academy 
of music was letting people out of a show. It was an interesting day I must say. The big task is memorizing that music in the next 2 1/2 three weeks.

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