Thursday, December 30, 2021

Thursday, December 30: Retirement, Slow Day & Ardmore

I set my alarm again for 9:30 and slowly got up and I mean very slowly. I got up ate breakfast. I got my nutrition bars and my ZIP card. 

So now until I get myself a car I am going I can rent a car for 3 to 4 hours rather than rent for the whole day. I do pay nine dollars a month for the privilege. 
I then printed  out information about PARSE. That stands for Pennsylvania Association of retired state employees. They have a group dental plan which
 I’m going to sign up for. They have the same dental

 coverage but instead of  $1750 of coverage there is $2000 per year in coverage . The total cost is about   $460  a year which comes out to about $39 a month. I’m going for the monthly plan  instead of paying 

 $460 at once. I really just took my sweet time doing everything. I got the

 printer to work by unplugging it and plugging it back in that seems to be a 

thing now. The laptop fits nicely on the desk and it’s nice to be able 
to use the laptop again. Anyhow I hate some lunch of some Indian food 

and then I took the Norristown high speed line because I had missed the buses. I’m supposed to get to her place by 3:15 PM I’m basically going to walk from the Norristown high speed line 

up the Ardmore House and I should be able to make it there with these by 3:15 PM.
Along the way, I got to take pictures of the path that we walk to most 

days of the week. You can feel the sun setting as of 3:08 PM which is the time now. Technically now the days are getting longer it really doesn’t feel like it. Why arrived 

around 3:22 PM. It’s nice to take a leisurely walk in the sunshine in the end of December. 

Lynne needed  To eat so we hung out at the house till about 4:30 PM. We’re

 going to pick up her car that’s with fixed to get the aftermarket rearview TV installed 

which is $325.00. That was almost top of what the product at self cost 

but those things are complicated with wiring and what not. We walked to the mechanic 

and got there about 5:20 PM. It took a while for them card system to 
work but it did. The device works pretty well it’s built into it we  rearview mirror. It’s now 6:05 PM we just got back to the Ardmore House. I forgot to mention that
 I am going to go to therapy via zoom and I’m looking for New Therapist and I called and left messages for them. It was very mild outside for sure. We’re gonna have

 something to eat and watch some shows I think. Maybe watching watching true crime story. We watched
 a movie about era Einhorn which was really good. Next we started watching a Netflix series called Mindhunter. It got a good review so we decided to start 

watching it. It’s now 8:08 PM taking a little break to feed the cat. This Mindhunter  show is really good 

it’s really quite intense and very graphic and stylized. Well I  walk 

to the Ardmore Junction train station.  I got there was about five minutes to spare Cortana respond high-speed line back to 69th St.

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