Saturday, July 11, 2020

Saturday, July 11: Setting Up Printer Going to See Mom @Media

Good morning everyone I woke up in a bit of a bitchy mood because my teeth started Herton. I found out which tooth it was and it’s going to be probably some kind a root canal or extraction to get rid of the pain. It isn’t horrible I did sleep but it was knowing that my brain. I found a friend of a friend’s sister is a right wing nut. It’s a shame because she’s an FOB and she seems like a nice person. I guess when you’re raised in that southern atmosphere can’t help yourself.  I was a bit grumpy so of course I responded to some of the more bizarre anti-backs are things in this woman running for governor of Virginia who opened carries at legislative meetings because she scared of the black lives movement. Yeah her hats are identical read to trumps red hats. They’re so adorable if they weren’t so scary and powerful. The anti-backs are shit is so anti-science and it’s so anti-intellectual my darling. Anyway I could tabs in a grumpy mood because I want to engage with right wingers. It’s generally not a good idea I know better. Anyhow, I just hung around the house the whole day and set up my printer. I was really happy about getting nothing set up. At first I had a hard time but then I unplugged it and started over. Once I got moving I put the printer ink in which you had to do yourself and pour it in. I then found it very easily for the printer to read my Wi-Fi password. I used a different computer. I use the bigger of the two laptops because I wanted to keep my work stuff and play stuff separate. I was really happy about it I can also email my printer which is really kind of cool.

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