Monday, March 30, 2020

(Monday, March 30: 2nd Week of Staggered Shifts

Hello everyone. I woke up this morning and made a virtual meeting this morning. Pretty cool. I like the after meeting the best when the 
 facilitator puts up that program called Snapchat camera and makes funny faces he also made a background that look like the church I was pretty cool. I made nine coffee I’ve come up with a new 

 essage thanks to my friend. It’s very easy I just drop the coffee to the cup and outcomes for coffee.. Today was the opposite of Friday I barely had any 

 ork.  So, I did the welfare Wacca and did a bit little bit of blogging Friday Saturday and Sundays posts. I read
 articles such as the one in the Atlantic magazine that the Coronavirus responses are partisan!   Republicans are not really worried about it and blue states getting hit hard.  Trump has to politicize everything.πŸ™„πŸ™„ I  decided to  

go straight home but I stayed a little late to clean my coffee mug and to clean my plate as I had Manhattan clam chowder for lunch. I know when I come back to workon Thursday I will definitely be doing that report so I didn’t easy day today at work. I’m pretty tired though

 but I’m gonna have,  Kebab  dinner with Pat which will be nice. Well we watched watched an  informational video about the 1919 influenza pandemic. It was very informative that used cartoons to illustrate what 

 appened. There’s a lot of mistakes and war war one to really speed up the transmission of that virus. That particular one was got awful with people
 turning black and blue and deformed and

 stuff. As it is the doctors can’t get their much-needed medical supplies and certain states like Florida with their stupid governor DeSantis have not put strict social distancing guidelines and now Florida Looks like it could be Ground Zero after New York City. This is definitely strange Time to be alive that’s for sure. Commercials are even starting to change due to the outbreak. Course of people in large gatherings look really weird. I haven’t seen them but I read an article in the Inquirer  about that.

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