Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tuesday, September 24: AM Yoga, Wook and Speed Dating😮🙃🤫

 I got up on time for my  6 AM yoga class. I caught the earlier train so I got there with time to spare for the 

 irst time in a while. The room was already steaming hot. I was not terribly ;leased about that development. The fans did go off and ;n. When they went on they didn’t stay on very long. I saw my friend there and made it through the end of class not running to the shower which is a major 

 ccomplishment. I’m glad I have a 9 o’clock start time because I took in about 35 minutes to cool down and then I walked from 15th St. Janet eight street walking  along Chestnut Street. ChestnutSt. really a noisy street. They got guys spring the sidewalks couple  weird homeless dudes and in 

 ne  block they’re tearing down the ENTIRE  side of the block.  ChestnutStreet is still a partial mess from when they made the Chestnut  St., Thruway back in the Rizzo administration in 1976. The shops are tearing down the slack that ;as up to that hill conceived city planning that was done.  Well I did a couple thingsat work and I’m re-doing a report but all I have to do is put “previously addressed.” a  I already did some.You know  copy and paste is my friend. I then got an egg and cheese

 sandwich for $2.50  which is actually cheaper than the Gyro. Well I’m

 working the rest of the day obviously but I made goats be dating to the AA meeting or just go to the regular clubhouse in Fairmount so I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I paid for the speed dating but I got 70% off because they seem to be desperate. The only problem is it’s located in Jersey.  

Well it’s what I got when I come back from my vacation over I’m probably going to be relocated for three months on the same floor somewhere else. That’s a new 
 one  on me.  I officially sent in my resignation for GSR I realize that I 

 ould catch a bus that goes directly to the place so that was good it only 

 ost me  $2.25 which is much better Uber‘s in dollars. I was driving 

 n the situation.  Well I went to this place really wow really sports bar in 

 unnemede and it was a big exciting looking place. Pictures lots of glass. 

 hey had a sale on $10 we can eat tacos so I had five tacos before I went. I 

 as saying thing where you talk to somebody for five minutes and take

 notes and user I want to contact you or not. One to be so adorable  OK 

 aybe thank you when was a nice Jewish woman who was charming in her 

 wn way and another one which is very nice and plain but I think

 I got along with her pretty well. But we’ll see I was very lucky I got the 400 bus 

 ust as it was sitting  waiting at a red light. If I had missed that one I would’ve been sitting

 around for a half hour heading to take Uber up to To a further

 away PATCO  stop. I didn’t wait long for Pat to go but I waited a little while for the El. 

  got off the Melbourne stop at around 10:52 PM and now I’m ready 

 o unload my yoga stuff and start a little laundry and get ready for bed.  What time really 

 aught up to me. I didn’t do laundry outside when I went to 

 ed I was going to sleep then because I need to rest. Pretty good state 

 f mind 90% a time which I’m very thankful for with or without them 

 eeling of seats in like a leak or socialism.  Sometimes I feel like I’m just trying to force 

 omething that’s just not gonna happen by force or something

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