Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Tuesday, September 3: Yoga and Work. Normal Warm September Day

Well after a pretty good sleep I had the energy to get up an and get ready for yoga class that 

 tarts at six. I got there with about five minutes to spare. I saw Clare there which was nice. What was really nice was that the air was on most to the class which made a hell of a big difference

 in my being able to breathe. It wasn’t 60 people either. Anyhow I may go to Claire’s class on Wednesday starts at 6:30 so I might just do it she even agreed to give me a  discount 

 ecause they charge the same amount for walkins as Philly hot yoga does. I decided to skip the coffee shop at 40th I wasn’t in the mood. I did go to CVS and  

get my drinks and some milk. So begins my last two weeks @ Elmwood  District. The place I’ve worked at since 1994. I’ve been in the same unit since 1999. I’ll 

 till be in CDU/reset but I will be downtown probably a little more tight and professional . No more coming in with a T-shirt or late. I  have to act like the new kid in town which is something I’m not 

 sed to but we’ll see what happens. Anyway I just plowed through the alerts

 today. I got pretty tired towards the end of the day so I took a nap that 15 minutes went

 by really fast. I bought some corn chips 2 wake me up as well. Well I

 went to the doctors office about 10 minutes away. He was sitting there 
 aiting that was nice of him. We talked for a little bit and then he wrote up Scripps for CVS at 19th and Chestnut Street. I then walked

 the 15th and JFK and got the 33 bus as it was showing up. I get there earlier than what Google maps wrote up. I arrived at Fairmount around 5:50 PM and got myself some coffee to 

 o to do 6:15 PM I might see whether I can make it to the 8 o’clock I had a good time. The topic was your first 24 hours.
I was thinking of sharing but my 24 hours that event full and 
dramatic you some. I mean it was dramatic to me but I am allowed 

 thers is your next fine. Wasn’t in the mood to talk about strippers that’s 

 hat I did before I got pulled over. Anyhow maybe at the men’s meeting and then they get 

 id of chuckles set agreement. Anyway after the meeting I went 

 o The Hidden Lives Illuminated. It’s been going on for the last 3 1/2 weeks at Eastern State penitentiary and the  

OCFCoffeehouse. It’s been quite the multimedia event for sure. Tonight was

 a little more hobnobbing going on but there were people watching it from the bleachersthat they set up. I then went to CVS got a couple things and then Kati 48 bus. For some reason went on a detour but it didn’t bother me I got off at 19th St. and then rolled on home


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