Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Wednesday, August 7: Breathing Thru Yoga. An Late afternoon Rain ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Well I got up on time but I ended up still being seven minutes late to class. Fortunately the teacher smoothly gave me the map and I did 
manage to squeeze a spot in. It was 

 acked today. It was a bad day to be late. Easton to it and despite my breathing difficulties. I  managed to stay in the class for the entire time. My balance is better but 

 y breathing has a ways to go. After class dude said that his first year was really rough go of the summer. I guess
 it’s a thing. I hope to find out. Afterwords I did my CVS stop  
and get some milk and my favorite juice and more neutral range. The cashier called handy. I got money off join this new thing with CVS. I figured I do it  because I’m always going there. Next time train at the 40th St.

 pick up my coffee. They were playing the remains which sounded really good so I’m doing an impulse buy on my iTunes 

 or 10 bucks. Made up for the fact I got free shit at CVS for joining. I didn’t arrive to Milbourne around 845 so I had to take a very quick shower. My

 favorite sunflower plant near Melbourne station was killed by some asshole who decided to like break it it brought me much happiness. RIP
 Sunflower ๐ŸŒป well I showered and I got to work around 9:15 AM. I got 
really hot just from the short commute from my place  to work. It is really doggy doggy days 
of August that’s for damn sure. It’s time to work on my sanctions and my sanction list because tomorrow is just going to be a big run 

 round doing AMRs. Well I went to the men’s room and cooled off and 
freshened up. Back to work it’s now 9:33 AM. That’s why I don’t think I could ever live

 in Florida because it’s very hot in the summer all the time with thunderstorms all the time. It’s kind 

  like the weather we’re having now but all the time. Well I got to work and I didn’t get docked as far as I know. I 

 ent and clean some little mess is on my desk and found 11 Alerts 

 acing me they’re all done the same day. So my big idea to rip through my list of 845s kind a Weather to way Well 

  got to work and I didn’t get docked as far as I know. I went in clean 

 ome little messages on my desk and found 11 alerts facing me they’re all done 

 he same day. So my big idea to rip through my list of a 45s kind of withered away. So 

lots of folks got terminated by another program or rejected. So I went to lunch around 115 and 

 amn is it hot. It’s 90° and we’re gonna get a nice thunderstorm tonight

 because I know that because the woman I’m supposed to meet for a date postponed due to rain and she’s too busy for the weekend so I have 

 y doubts. Anyhow I finished the initial 11 except for one and I got two more but I already scheduled the one. I walked outside hearing about the storm warnings

 and as of 5:10 PM the real heavy shit hasn’t hit yet but it’s pretty loop pretty 

 hreatening looking. Well I got on the train and it wasn’t  raining by the time I got to 30th St. it was a deluge. Wasn’t just a quick 10 minute thunderstorm this was a drenching storm. Not a lot of thunder 
 nd lightning put a shit load of rain. The route 49 bus was about 20 to 25

 minutes late but I made it and I’m not completely soaked to good

 thing we were postponed for today that’s for sure. Made it at 6:14 at the coffee 

 hop I mellowed out for a moment that starts at 6:30 PM. The speaker 

 as very good at the meeting. She came from another meeting in Fishtown. I forget the name of it was

 cute and I might check it out on Monday night at 7:30 PM. Afterwards I was 

 elling you guys that I still feel nervous for my share and he said “God is shaking

 the truth out of you.” I forgot to bring it. Afterwords I went to my CVS and 

 hen cut the bus back to extremely Hilda trolley and rode home on the L.

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