Sunday, August 25, 2019

Sunday, August 25: A Sunday, That’s All

Last night I was up very late and able to sleep, I went to sleep and woke up and

 I had trouble getting myself going. I thought I was going to be really late according

 to the Google Maps schedule. Alas the train was six minutes late I didn’t miss it by 6 

 inutes. Actually it said I missed it by like three minutes. And I

 wouldn’t get to the meeting till 9:45 AM. But that wasn’t the case I will actually

 find a seat. Even on a Sunday. there’s a bit of a morning for 

 lowhards. I didn’ have coffee before hand so that made a little 

more unbearable. Plus  nother dude had loud Internation just like the podcast woman.
 . It was like they were at a TED Talk How pretentious🤮😐🥴 Well after I I went to down and went to OCF coffeehouse & hung out for an hour and a half and people watched and drink

 my coffee and did a little blog editing etc. I didn’t get to hear from anybody so I suddenly just started getting really tired of the lack

 of sleep last night. I decided to go to CVS get some stuff and wait for the 49 show up. When got home when I get home take a nap. Where the nap was definitely good 

 or me. I woke up and I decided I would finally get the lightbulbs I  need for the apartment. So I went to radiate got those things putting a $20 LED bulb for 

 he outside light. The ideas that light would last a long time since the days were slowly getting shorter and shorter each day. I think 

 ent to two Indian stores and got some stuff for my Indian surprise. Well I pretty 

 much spent all my pay and wanted to stock up so I would have lunch

 and dinner every day and breakfast as well. I then ran through the dating sites and kept in touch with a couple of people and become peripheral but still Kickin. I didn’t

 listen to a song from big star called the battle of Elle good now. Really

 good song. Well we won’t discuss boy meets  girl on AA campus will we.🙄🙄🙄🦎


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