Saturday, August 31, 2019

Saturday, August 31: Meeting, OCF, Haircut, and Stuff

Well I woke up and ate but didn’t give myself time to take a quick shower 

 o I bolted off to the train to catch the L and then catch the Broad Street line. That’s 

 ecause the made in America concert is going on at the art museum 

 or the next three days. Got to meeting about 10 minutes late after taking Uber

 from Broad and Fairmount Avenue amount. Otherwise out of been 

 ore like 20 minutes late. I went to the meeting it was pretty good and it was a little more crowded than I had been but there’s still plenty of seating. Afterwards I went to OC a 

 offeehouse did some swiping and then contacted Sharon. She had room for a haircut. I needed a haircut really really bad. I’m starting to look like Larry Fine of the Three Stooges with the hair sticking out near my ears. So I went over to Sharon‘s and she gave me a tour of the place and we talked for a while and 
then I got a really nice haircut. I met one 

 f the roommates. He seem like a nice guy and we all hung out and talked for a while it was fun. Well I’ll let Sharon‘s grab the place of pizza and attempted 

 o get to Mike work like yoga class. The only problem was that are you going 

 ll the way back home then going all the way back to central city was 

 ust not doable on a Sunday especially with Mid-America coming in. So I ended up 

 oing home and going out to Pat N each market in upper Darby. We walked

 there and got a bite to eat very very good. Reenie came home and took a nap. I was 

 hinking of going to AC Moore and getting some range but I was too tired

 from napping to get up for all that. So I just hung out at my place and 

 ing songs about the  sithpence. Well news outside the bubble of my 

mind, Hurricane Dorian Strengthens to Category 4 but May Skirt Florida. I for one am glad to hear that

 one since Larry lives right in the path of the hurricane since he lives in North Palm

 Springs. Trump canceled  a trip to Poland because Dorian was coming

 towards Florida. It was probably because of his place in  Mar-a-Lago it’s on 

 ts projected path. He ended up just tweeting a lot as usual.  Everything is always about him only! I think 

 omorrow I’m just going to just go with the flow and maybe meet Jen or Wes or neither and deafly go to yoga class that’s about it I am feeling I’m starting to feel tired and little over excited about the new job and possible dates.

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