Friday, August 16, 2019

Friday, August 16: Leaving Dunn NC, Hope Mills, Florence SC and I-95

Well we got up early around 9:00 AM to go eat breakfast. The breakfast expires at 9:30 AM. I had 

 ome delicious tasty waffles but you can make on your own waffle maker. Meanwhile they’re playing Fox News and they  have this cheesy 
 Christian band singing in the Fox Studios. Leitsinger was black and red had a big pictures of Tucker Carlson and other fox Jose this auditorium. It was cheesy and then went 

 ack to sleep and it felt great!! We’re going to Hope Mills North Carolina 

 isit Larry’s aunt. Right now were in the outskirts of Fayetteville near the airport

 going shopping for Larry’s queen mattress and getting 

 heets are we getting a bedframe. This is pretty goddamn exciting let me tell you! I am in Hope Mills

 North Carolina. I had a slight issue. I lost my check

 card. I realized it was left @ the coffee shop that I last went to. So I 

 called TD Bank & cancel the card and there's a TD Bank (US) Florence

 South Carolina which is an hour and a half away in the bank close at six I thought I lost my meds I found them so I'm holding on but the tide is high ha ha Ha. We went to
 Larry’s Aunt’s place in Hope Mills. She has a beautiful place that her deceased husband built himself. The back yard was beautiful and green w/ a golf course behind the place. She treated us to salad 

 nd yummy lasagna. Larry reminisced and I updated this blog.  It is now 3:32 PM we’re gonna be leaving in about 10 minutes

 we have eight more hours east of driving. First gonna stop in Florence at TD Bank if we can get there by 6 PM. 
Well we ran into a couple sun showers on the way. As you might know, Donald Trump wants to purchase Greenland. Well from but this article states people live in Greenland or not hip to that idea. Trump continues to be an embarrassment to our

 country.😪🤮🤨. It’s now 5:32 PM wiping at this bank in Florence for about 5 minutes now. I have to see the people to sit behind a desk. I got one dude in front of me and both ladies

 are occupied. There’s a dude who’s at the teller counter he’s been yes

 ccupying this one woman’s time not having enough ID and being very

 persistent. They are  more patient here. It’s now 5:53 PM &  both ladies 

 re still occupied but that dude with no ID finally left. I think one that One 

 f the dude in front of me also lost his TD Bank card just like I did. So it’ll be at least 6:15 PM before we really 

 o out on the road apparently. Hopefully Larry took care some of his business. 

 ’ll be driving the rest of the way. We drove all the way down 95 within 33 miles of Savannah Georgia

. We then stopped at a McDonald’s. I had McNuggets fries and a large Pepsi to hold me 

 ver till we go to our latest destinations which is an hour away from Larry’s. It’s called Vero beach. 

 e’s going to reserve a hotel and that’s gonna get there at 2 AM. Well 

 arry decided he would drive and we made it past the Georgia state 

 ine to Estonia Georgia where we got a little bit of gas. Not too much because it’s 279 a gallon i’m gonna be driving we have about four hours and 18 minutes left on our trip from Estonia Georgia. We have now three hours and 26 minutes because we stopped where is there is cheap gas at loves. So I took an extra bathroom break and I have to charge down the highway for 3 1/2 more hours. It’s now 11:30 PM reply to get there at 2:30 AM there is if euro beach Florida

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