Monday, July 08, 2019

Sunday, July 7: Last Day of Vacation

Well today I got up in decent time around 9 o’clock. We were going to meet 

 veryone around 9 o’clock to have breakfast at Cabela’s. It was a buffet with waffles eggs toast sausage etc. we get there late since Becky wasn’t feeling really well. It didn’t really matter since 

 t was a buffet. We celebrated my mother‘s 90th birthday five months

 early since the whole family was 
there. It was casual and pleasant. Folks then went to Dave and Mike’s rental to watch the US women’s World Cup final against the Netherlands.
 The US ended up winning two to nothing. They are the women’s World Cup champions for the fourth time. Mom and I  drove back to media via Route 7295 and 95 

 o the blue route. We took one pitstop which was sorely needed. I then got my stuff and was dropped off at  the media trolley stop. Train came 

 retty quickly I came home and immediately ate and took a nap.  Man I was

 tired. I got up and browsed around Chinatown got it and ordered out some takeout Chinese for 

 omething different. I didn’t go to the meeting Sunday night just was not up for it. I then came home and 

 realized I had to unpack so I unpacked my stuff and look through

 some of my pictures since I do have to organize and make an album out of the 

 edding. In creapy news, this ultra-rich 

dude Jeffrey Epstein was arrested for sex trafficking of minors. He had witnesses file against him.   

 ou should read this article totally a lot of written evidence it got covered

 up because he's a rich guy. So another family vacation ends with new wrinkles but for
 me the same old stuff that happens at every family gathering except for one. Someone else was the topic instead of me which was different.  Anyhow I now 

 ave to get adjusted to getting back to my comfortable zone again. Getting  comfortable with myself is the overreaching

 goal because the fact that I’m not getting comfortable and gives off vibes  to some people. I was even told that I give off the vibe of the 

creepy old man. And I should talk to my therapist about that. I think that’s 

 nough said. Not jusFamily members but people in AA people in the sidewalks that kind of thing. 

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