Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sunday, July 14: a Late Start then Babysitting

When I first got up thinking of going to the 9:30 AM Fairmount meeting but I 

 ecided that I needed more sleep since I was going to be babysitting her 10-year-old kid. We have plans to go to Lucky strike 

 hich is a bowling place in Center City somewhere near 13th and Chestnut or Walnut. It’s pretty warm out here as of 1:39 PM. I literally just left my house.I'm at OCF coffeehouse in Fairmount. Wes is going
 to pick me up in 25 minutes to bring him back for my babysitting duties. Next, I will have to either take the bus  r Uber to the Lucky strike bowling alley/pinball

 place and play with the kids so slept in and zoomed myself up with coffee and a cookie.

 I found a place where the electrical outlet is right next to me. Wes 

 s going to pick me up so I’m gonna give myself as much time as possible because he’s generally fashionably lat that works because I don’t have to do an Uber ride. Well rest arrived and we all hung out for a while watching a 

 aseball game and I was getting instructions. At 5:30 we left to catch the 32 bus to Center city to go to
 Lucky Strike bowling alley. We were dropped off about a block away 

 nd then we went into the place. It’s pretty loud and there’s a bar. It was pretty fast and empty there wasn’t that many people  here. We bowled three games my high score 

 as 124. We decided with 10 minutes left in our hour that we would get a bite 

 o eat so we went to this funky put the pizza place on 15th near Locust. 

 e forgot his phone so we went back to the bowling place got his 

 hone and then we decided we would go to Rittenhouse Square. After we went to 

 ittenhouse Square we walked home back to Fairmount. We both chilled out

 and relaxed on the comfortable furniture at his place. I don’t know if I 

 entioned but there was a fight on the subway in 40th St. before I came to Fairmount. It was some good ghetto action couple 
 elling at each other holding up the whole line for 10 minutes. Anyhow I took Uber  ack home. They picked up another guy so I took the scenic route from 

 airmount through West Philly finally to my place. I still have to decide what I want to do about this oncert in new work for yellow. And I have to make a decision to tell something as well. I’m definitely in towards just bailing

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