Saturday, July 06, 2019

Saturday, July 6: Wedding Day. Rain Ends Cool Ceremony

Well after sleeping the last day and in the garage, I got up ate some 

 ereal and help clean the dishes and packed up my stuff. I then drove moms car and mom to the ship to the surf city five and 10 and 

 hen to a place called Wally‘s we ran into Robert and a couple other people from the wedding party. That was fun. After
we ate some yummy French toast mom and 

  went back to the Sea horse Motel to get Situated. At this point Mike

 and Mary just arrived and I got in trouble again. I then went back

 to my place instead of going to Dahms and then meeting Alice in surf city but 

I ’ve been sitting in really bad traffic for the last half hour must’ve gone maybe 15 blocks. 

  thunderstorm is definitely approaching here. Anyhow, I got to 

 he place where Alice and her girls were. And we hung out there

 for a while. The girls left and now tonight waited through the thunderstorm.  The

 thunderstorm eventually ended and I came back to my place and crashed the good crash. We were staying at theSeahorse  Motel. We had to move out of the house

 by 10 o’clock this morning. So I’m staying with Alice my mom and Alice’s daughters and people are staying at other places as well. Anyhow after I woke up I  got dressed with some help and we went down to the beach across
 from Cabela’s to and got ready for the ceremony. It was really good the rain stopped. Everybody showed up on time including Wes and Jen who got there

 just before John and Yukari. I took a lot of pictures and some videos of  the ceremony. Oh I would say a whole shit load. It’s going to be a job by itself sifting through all the stuff. Anyhow, 

 hen we walked back to Cabela’s this speaker that John got for karaoke and announcing came in really handy and Dave and Mike walked with

 the cooler and Alice was using the microphone while the cooler was polite  and while this speaker was playing Bruce Springsteen to songs that John 

 really likes. It was really cool I got some good shots of that. We got to Cabela’s and the service was a little slow but everybody was copacetic. The most fun was the  karaoke. Almost everybody did 

 omething. It was pretty outrageously funny Wes and Jenn really handed it 

 p as well. We went on to at least 11:30 PM and practically closed out the place. 

  think everybody can call the wedding at success. The walk down the street with

 the music going was my favorite part. The career karaoke wasfunny as hell though every almost everybody got involved with     
 tomorrow’s the last day of my vacation and then it’s back to thanks

 he welfare Wakka! Well the next steps for me or to make a wedding book and a video

 thing on our flash drive since everybody’s

 paranoid in the Internet so that’s the next duty.

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