Thursday, April 04, 2019

Thursday, April 4: A Needed Rest and Break.

Early in the morning I got up at 3:30 and realized I’d really hadn’t slept all that

 well. I had a bowl of cereal and went back to bed until 5 AM came around I felt completely wiped out and I felt I didn’t get enough sleep. I then decided for my body and mind 

  needed to take a break from my rigorous schedule and slept until 7:30 AM. I  decided I wasn’t going to rush to sunrise or the 12th and Locust meeting. I decided to go to 40th St. 

 nd go to the Green line Café and grab a coffee then go back to work. I think it was a very wise decision for me. So I got to work and the woman next to 

 e didn’t say hardly anything the whole day she either napping or listening

 to music we just kind of weird when it’s real quiet too. It was part of the quietest

 over all day I’ve had in a while partially because also one of the women is very friendly with  people in intake so they tend to come around to get extra loud. And suburban 

 omen who sit nearby have complained. Overall it was quite my supervisor and get into mid day. I realized I 
turned in my reports a week early. That was not done on purpose I thought there was a full month over the weekend. This actually was a long 

 onth in March. Well, I left work after taking one of my little quick 10 minute naps in the old smoking room which is now the Bible room but  The Bible 

 s very comfortable to nap your head on. Anyhow I signed off my computer  and headed down to downtown to catch the 33 bus. The bus came pretty quickly. I came

 in to OCF and met up with the muffin man. He was very popular amongst the barista’s. The meet is at 6:30 and assess 618 it’s not crowded here at all it is such 

  nice day in spring time. Well I went in there was plenty of room to sit. I first went to the OCF where I got to see the muffin man. He was 

 ccupying to breeze this time and he’s kind of a geek and use kind
 of charming and that name just stuck. What I got in a meeting I went from being tired of being depressed to being engaged to finally  sharing the 3 things on 

 y mind my work but woman and the yoga. I wasn’t that social in the beginning  and I didn’t you guys going to share but the room was dead and I just said I 

 screw it up with raise my hand so I did that. I ate a huge bowl of pasta. I ate half of it and then put the rest away. I texted and I talk  to my New friend and I still 
 don’t know where that’s going. At this point just trying to 

 aintain and keep pushing through. I’m going to enter a photograph by tomorrow 

 idnight. Anyhow Time marches on no matter what we might be thinking 

 r doing. Gorgeous, Spring. A mile back in the real world, Trump has backed out on his plan to seal off the border. The

 world a safer avocados now. I heard if it’s your off the border 

 vocados would run out in three weeks.

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