Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday, April 12: 💰 Day and Day 16. Heading Home

I woke up and decided whether I’m gonna go to class or skip it today. I started I go and takeoff 

 omorrow. Once I got to class I found it really hard to concentrate at first. My 

 ranayama Wes off at the beginner class. I did get my focus back thank 

 oodness. I think that early lack of focus showed that I needed time off tomorrow. I was 

 eeling a little lazy in the beginning. And I really don’t want to be lazy 

 n class. My friend still recuperating so she’s not in class. It was

 a small class today compared to earlier in the week. The temperature was 112° at the end of class. Anyhow

 I went to sunrise for half of the meeting and it was the fourth step. Relationships and sex 

 ontent it was handled in a mature fashion unlike the meeting of Wednesday night I left there and went to 

 axbys and saw the very groovy barista with the colored hair and the tattoos. 

 he’s very pleasant. I got my coffee then went to the TD Bank ATM and got some money

 so I could get a muffin and get enough money to pay Larry back today at 5:30 PM after work. Well 

 actually I wasn’t in the mood to work much so I actually cleaned 

 y desk and scanned all this BS it was piling on my desk and I’m caught up on my 

 verpayment. I now can concentrate on my sanction list only for a change. That’s assuming I don’t get 

 istracted with 15 new alerts. Also I know I have to get it all done by the 27th because of the painting of the walls that’s going on 

 t work. I didn’t caught the train early since I left work at five or 3 PM which is about 8 to 10 minutes earlier than usual. I wasn’t in the mood for coffee so I was able to just go to 

 arry’s directly. I went over there and beat Veronica home so I was able 

 o chill out watch some TV news and talk to Larry. Got some interesting 
 news from him. Anyhow they had to go to the celebration of all bar owners at cheerleaders. I was not in the mood to do that and it’s  too expensive. I then went straight 

 ome after I bought it chicken cheesesteak. I got home ate that cheesesteak and lie down  for a while. I didn’t really sleep but I wasn’t really awake either. I then

 decided that I’d look at Facebook etc. and I ran some interesting stuff. Joe ordered 

 Chinese food and then he left for his work shift at 10:30 PM. I then tried 

 o get  o to sleep but I drank too much liquids and kept having

 to get up. I’m glad I didn’t have yoga tomorrow morning it just would’ve been

 impossible anyway. I’m hoping to rest tomorrow. I might  get stuff done and

 we get nothing done I don’t know really.

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