Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday, April 29: Exhaustion Day 25 and Temporary Workspace

Well after sleeping well but way too short, I woke up at five and really was tired

 no if hands or butts. I thought about turning over but I didn’t want to 

 start my week giving up. I want to have that piece of positivity. I did 

 manage to make it to sunrise. A red parents section on the very back of the book. I then got some coffee and went to CVS to get a couple 
 things. I left my coffee at CVS went to 30th St. then went back to CVS. Guess what?? The 

 coffee was still thereπŸ™ƒπŸ˜€ I   I really needed that

 coffee because I knew was going in a situation at Delancey and it 
was a cluster fuck in beginning just like I had feared. It eventually

 calm down and I  ot to sanctions written up and part of a 3rd. I did 

 see one person who brought in your paystub. I for the life of me I don’t know what

 I did with it but hopefully it attached to the AMR. Well I made it to the end

 of that first day. I think I’ll be able to get started quicker tomorrow since things

 are somewhat set up. I left and head on down to the L got to my appointment

 in plenty of time. I finished off yesterday‘s blog post and talked about how

 tired I was at the appointment how yoga and other things combined

 make me tired. She told me to stay in the moment. πŸ€ πŸ‘πŸ½Well I  made it 

 to the meeting and told them that I will do the coffee commitment because I change my therapy appointments. Well I ended up going to Saxby’s and download updates to my apps. There were 12 updates. I did a little swiping  and then took the EL home and talk to friends of mine. I then had a little bit of chicken curry which I mixed with my stuff because it wasn’t enough to be 
cooking rice. Well Joe Biden is running for president 

 nd we all knew that his running of the Anita Hill hearings would be brought up. It has not aged well.      Joe Biden Still Doesn’t Understand What He Did to Anita Hill. Anita Hill has a problem with how the 

 hearing was run and what witnesses Biden allowed to be heard. She also felt she was on trial without the   
the protections of a trial. This is really going 

  To hurt Joe Biden. This is specially true if he becomes the front Runner.

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