Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Tuesday, November 1: SEPTA, Caregiving & Sun

I got it this morning early because I have to be at Mikes by eight.

saw Pat before he left. he’s thinking about getting a new dog and showed me a picture of the dog he might get. It’s an older dog that is a dog that’s a friend of one 
of the neighbors here. I think we can get out of all shops anyhow, the septa commute was a bit of a nightmare. First of all showed up about three minutes five minutes later so then the doors kept opening and closing 

randomly and then there was a broken down train slowed us down. The top it all off it was packed and if putt putt it between 30th and 15th. I am not used to doing this commute because it’s the most packed and SEPTA 
has trouble handling it I guess but  the thing is this is every day I don’t know why they’re so unprepared
 I just don’t get it. I got to Mikes and we talked for a minute then his order from Amazon showed up. I’m trying to get his bed together and do some 
cleanup. Did a little bit of that and then Mike and I went for a walk around 10:00 AM. It’s supposed to clear up by around 3 PM today and it’s very mild outside. We’re supposed 

to get mild weather for the next few days with sunshine. Right now the sun is trying to get out. So I turned out by mid afternoon the sun, and come out and all the

 glory and it’s turning out to be a beautiful fall afternoon outside here in 

Philadelphia. It’s almost 3 PM, but I’m gonna stay a little longer because as 

mentioned before SEPTA was very funky this morning and had me late. I guess I’m 

gonna have to leave the house earlier to prepare for the funk. Just not used to 

getting up that early but I did OK today. Pat got up at the same time 

as I think I mentioned earlier in this wonderful blog posting. Anyhow, it’s 

now 4 PM. I hung out at Mike’s and talk to my friend Diana on 

the phone she’s arriving in Philly at 30th St. a couple of friends. One of their friends
had a wheelchair and I wasn’t sure there’s an elevator 30th St. to 

take them so she looked on the website and they’re gonna visit Reading terminal 

market and independence Mall fifth Street. I then left and went

 to 17th St. to maybe get some coffee well I did get some coffee at the capital

 one coffee shop because I get coffee for half price for less than

 two bucks. I get coffee so I did go there and the coffee is half decent. Well I then walked back and went back to a fire escape, and just

 sort of sat here in rested before I have to go to my 5 o’clock appointment. I also updated this blog posting. Well, I signed out OK. I had time to get myself some coffee and went 

to the clock appointment.   That was a bit frustrating but I think it was definitely worth it. I then came home at a decent hour and that was really good. I just chilled out. I should’ve 

done laundry but I just chilled out. I talk to her for a little bit hung out with Pat a little bit. He’s going to get them selfie,
 camera and and phone. he says Paypal has patent plans. She can pay it overtime. The third game of the World Series is playing the Phillies smash the Astros 7-0 on five home runs. I think it was the first time in World Series history never five home runs hit. 

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