Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Tuesday, November 15: Tired w/ Yoga & ☔️ Rain

This morning I woke up very tired. I just didn’t sleep as soundly as I wanted to. Anyhow, I ended up missing the train I wanted to catch and the next 

train was about three or four minutes late. I was about six or eight minutes late today so I just stayed 60 minutes eight minutes later. Anyhow Limbo, the 

building super came over and replace the heating vents for Mikes heater. They were really dirty. He also gave us couple of mouse traps and some mint spray. Is 3 ended up talking politics

 and what not for I don’t know 20 minutes or so , it was entertaining. I did take a quickie
nap which was OK. I’m really relieved to get my Blogger
problem fixed for the photographs. It was 33° when I first got outside it was that was kind of yucky. It’s especially uncomfortable when it’s been hitting the high 60s for 10 days straight.  anyhow 

I just read where I got flashed it Rick Scott’s going to challenge, Mitch McConnell, as Senate minority leader in McCarthy just got selected as GOP leader and possibly 

House Majority Leader since the Republicans will probably have 

a 2 to 3 seat majority in the house. It’s now 3:59 PM. That news just came out.

 Well, I'm just catching the train towards Wayne. I will be there fairly 

early assuming everything goes smoothly. It's pretty 
crowded in here. I called is the Taylor Swift of trains and two people right near me, laughed and liked it. Anyhow, it was an express train to 
Bryn Mawr

 and believe it or not. I’m about three or four stops from Bryn Mawr to Wayne which is the closest station to 

this yoga studio. I arrived around 510 I checked in and I’m going to 

get changed in the men’s room. There is no showers or anything so You just put on your clothes and get a move on when I’m done. I have two classes left. 

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