Saturday, November 26, 2022

Saturday, November 26: Sleeping In and Yoga

Good day. Today I allowed myself to sleep in because I was really really tired. It felt really good so I got up ate breakfast in for one of those 🐁 mice 

coming out it had the gall to come out twice. Once it went on the oven and I tried to get it but I didn’t. It crawled underneath the oven. I called Pat. He said he’d get 

on it. I then went back to get my yoga clothes and then head out to 

Center City. I wanted to relax and just do some people watch it like I did in 
the old days before Covid. well, I walked around bits and pieces of Center City I ended up going to 

a Mexican place to sit down because I had to take care of business and I wanted 

something to drink. I then lingered on Sansom Street justice feel the scene. Ohio states losing to 

Michigan 45 to 23. I think. I saw somehow Ohio State fans and started videotaping

 the scene around 345 and anyway that was that. Well my mother 

called asked if I had a girlfriend. And I’m heading into yoga right 

now to 90 minute class. Hopefully I am hydrated enough and

 ready to go. The class was pretty crowded and it was pretty hot and in tested 

Amy endurance. I did OK on some parts and just fair on other parts   I know if one thing for sure is that I was really hot and really thirsty so when I 
came out, I put my yoga mat  
away upstairs got  my head in the shower and got some more water. I then decided to  take plan not to do anything except go home that I would take my sweet time  
relaxing at the studio. I just plan to stop by the store maybe get some thing and then just take the train home .

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