Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Tuesday November 22: Mike’s, Scripts and Yoga

Good morning it’s another cold day in paradise also known 

as Millbourne. It’s funny, I think in my mind when man – needed names know a friend of mine are kids have a paper, and that’s what I thought of a good title 

of the hyphenated man. I know names are just a construct just like gender, but it’s still weird to me that men have hyphenated names. That usually  is for women. Anyway, I’ll wave now from my archaic thinking it’s

 cold as crap out here but I caught the earlier train and it came only a 
minute late, so I’m gonna be on time today. Well, I was on time today did a little sweeping and Mike’s food came in early because

 of the holiday and he barely had enough food to fit. I didn’t so I did that I go out to walk by myself since Mike is in prep for his colonoscopy, which is tomorrow 

afternoon. I’m probably going to come in later so I can leave a little bit later. I’m 

guessing I’ll go to our morning yoga class and do it that way Supreme Court denies Donald Trump request to block release of tax returns to House panel! Hooray! Anyhow, I decided to take a walk and then go to West philly to pick up my Scripps 

early so then after yoga, I don’t have to worry about getting my Scripps. I might go to a meeting or I might not. I don’t know. Well, I walked and it took about an hour to go back-and-forth, they had the prescriptions

 one of them. I didn’t need because it was the rash ointment and I or I have plenty left from the first prescription but I did get my statin drug which was good and I put in my 

coat pocket so I could just come back I didn’t bring my backpack . Anyway, I went back to Mikes called the agency told him I’d be working from 9 to 6. I might

 do an early yoga class but I don’t know yet that’s a 6:30 AM Mikes colonoscopy to 2:30 PM. Anyway, finished up updating the posting. It’s 3:49 PM. It’s 

time to go to class. I might go to AA but again I might know I don’t know yet but we’ll see how this class goes. The class went pretty well. Actually, it was warmer 

in the room/studio because it was warmer yesterday then the day before. I decided 

not to go to the AA meeting because I just wanted to relax knowing that

 I’m probably going to get up at the crack of dawn to go to a 6:30 AM yoga class. 

Pat and I had dinner around 745, 8 o’clock a PM and that was good. We got 

reacquainted and that was nice tomorrow he supposed to pick up Larry at the airport. 

Wonder how that’s gonna go is Larry’s flights late Larry’s out of luck is Pat have to go to work after he picks up Larry from the airport. So the Thanksgiving holiday creeps up on us, and along with it, colder weather and some sunshine. It’s going to be a busy few days. I am sure.

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