Saturday, November 19, 2022

Saturday November 19: Fixing a Roof, Cold 🥶 & Walking

Hi! Pat stopped by and told me that we will start the roof repair at 12 Noon. I then proceeded to go right back to sleep relieve that I could actually sleep in. 

I set my alarm for 10:30 AM and even then I felt really tired and I didn’t wanna get up. I then got up and had breakfast and took my sweet time. I paid my dermatologist bill

 of $230 finally online. I tried to pay my stupid turnpike bill from the rental company online that was not working. They charge a $30 

service fee for that shit self sick bullshit. Anyway, I helped Pat with his roof issue and he got it mostly done.  I mean it will stay 

up. He added a lot of tools and nails to do the job so that was good. That ended  around 2:15 PM and then I took care of those 

bills and the next thing you know it 3 o’clock was creeping around like a Socialism and I got my clothes from the dryer. Fortunately, I started my laundry ahead of time

which was good because I was running low on the yoga stuff. I then caught the train and got to my class on time and it was pretty crowded because it is the last class of the day on Saturday. 

Actually, there’s a yoga Nedra class that one day I want to stay after. Last week at this time was still 

warm and I was completely exhausted. The cool weather makes a big difference. Class was pretty difficult as a 90 minute class. I then looked up 
SEPTA and realized that I had to take the EL then  the bus instead of the nice comfort train because

 schedules are different on the weekends. This 
is especially true on Sundays where the bus service runs every hour at night. Sundays in one day I did wish I had a car. well took a walk in the cold weather, but it wasn’t too windy, which was fortunate. Had a bowl of soup and headed on home. The bus stop with that different location, so I almost missed it but the bus driver let me on, even though I wasn’t at the correct stop, which was a relief. 

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