Thursday, November 03, 2022

Thursday, November 3: Mild & Sunny Being Busy

Today I woke up on time and I had my normal breakfast

 of cereal and coffee. My coffee might be nasty and full of junk but it woke me up because I was pretty tired. I slept pretty well I must say, but I don’t think I went to bed 

quite early enough. It’s still partially dark when I get up and it’s only gonna get worse when we have daylight savings time ending this weekend now that’s depressing. 

actually it’ll be more sun in the morning for a while and then it’ll get dark at 5 o’clock. That’s when the seasonal affective disorder will kick in for many folks. That’s why you have 
people moving to Florida and Sun City Arizona. Anyhow, it’s been a 

quiet day here at Mike’s and  pretty quiet on the Internet front. Mike and 

I took a walk and it is a spectacular sunny day was not a cloud in the sky. We were looking at the beautiful buildings and some that are brand new and square 

looking. I took a bunch of video and took some photos of the Drake, etc.. It was way way cool and fun. I was just told that a new website just “dropped“. 

It’s from Lynne and it looks really professionally done. I checked it out. She had put a lot of work into it. I talked about it for a while and then I went back and took 

a short nap because I was pretty tired mostly from staying up too late and 

partly by walking around a lot and talking a lot etc. South 3:33 PM and I am going towards

 yoga, then I’m going to two meetings in Fairmount Pennsylvania. 

It’s still very nice outside but there’s a lot more shade because the 

days getting later. The sun gonna set even earlier starting Sunday when

 daylight savings time officially ends and we fall back on the time. We gain an extra hour of sleep, but it 

gets dark an hour earlier, which is a big big difference. It’s really

 noticeable and that’s where we get to seasonal depression from. Well, today 

my battery life was pretty bad. I think it was because I did a lot of 

video today. I went to class and get it was pretty damn hot I must say.

was thankful it was a 75 minute class instead of a 90 minute 

class. it’s now 5:55 PM and I’m attempting to get to Fairmount by 630. I’m supposed to catch a bus in five minutes which is a 33. At least it’s still mild but this will 

be the last time I get out of my 4 o’clock yoga class and will be light outside. Tonight’s game is crucial whoever wins this game will probably win the World Series. 

Somebody said on the Internet
That the winner of this game has a  75% chance of winning the World Series. So

obviously, this game is really really important. No hit by several pictures from the Astros yesterday. I went to the meeting in Fairmount and my battery
 died again. I’m hoping that’s not a problem with my battery if there is I’m going to the Apple store. My phone says I’m at 88% battery capacity. I am a high-end user 

though. I use my phone a lot as anybody who knows me will attest……🧐🧐🤨🤨🤨🤔 speaking of funky news Phillies lost three to the Astros this evening, and they are won loss away from losing the World Series. The Phillies
 are not hitting the ball again. They scored two runs in the last two games. Anyhow. I went to the meeting and it was a good meeting and then I went to my second meeting which was good. I participated in both meetings, so that was good. I think it was

 because my phone was charging. I didn’t get distracted by messages or what not I got home around 10 o’clock and my Amazon order was 
waiting for me sitting there. I got my usual thing of yogurts and drinks etc. I got my protein bars which will be good to have in my backpack when I get hungry or something.


QofArdmore said...

Your screenshots of stuff that struck you at CODA are important. Sometimes forgetfulness is part of Asperger’s so I always hope that you look at these things, enough times.

QofArdmore said...

I am emailing you a photo you took, which I may like more than you. There does not seem to be a way to do it here.