Thursday, March 24, 2022

Thursday, March 24: Visiting Coronado island

Well I tried to get up at 8 AM but that didn’t work. I got up around 9:30 AM and made breakfast and end up talking to my sister. I was
 trying to think of where to go and she came up with the idea of going to Coronado Island. I hadn’t even thought of that one. I thought about going to Oceanside or Carlsbad but this idea is more unique.  

Unfortunately card a time where the local mini bus runs up power  Parmado 

 Avenue. It was 11 minutes late but fortunately that didn’t matter. I caught that bus 

and caught to 235 from Rancho Bernardo transfer station and took the expressed 
235 bus to downtown. There’s a bus from downtown to teaching right at Coronado island which is cool. I  I got downtown and was pleasantly surprised if the bus does go over the bridge

. I notice to vagabonds on the bus. Maybe it’s a spot for them but according to the bus driver he doesn’t feel welcome
there because he’s black. Basically gets pulled over all the time so he doesn’t like to visit the island. And I said driving while black he cracked up.  Now 12:57 PM we are going to go over the
bridge and I will get off when the bus stops.  Am I Mrs. homeless woman looks more like a crunchy about Coronado and where to stop and she just stop library 

because it’s open late. She gets dirty looks from people for obvious reasons just like the bus driver. I’m just gonna take the bus. Running and then I’ll probably 
have to walk or Uber to get anywhere. I’m now in orange seventh Street at 1:17 PM. And I went today on and walked around and went to the really fancy hotel on the beach. It’s beautiful I want to run there and 

I wanted & I  went today on and walked around and went to the really fancy hotel on the beach. It’s beautiful I want to run there 
and I decided to get a massage after seeing this place. I knew the check is it was right in the middle of this chichi downtown so 

I was all over that and felt really good he did a nice job. I did see military here because I think there’s a military base 

here.  It’s at 5:30 PM and I just got off the 90 one bus that goes to the island Colorado Island. Now I’m taking the 290 express 
up to the world famous Rancho Bernardo transit Center. That should be coming in about six minutes from now. Right now you can feel the sun setting because

 there’s more shade than there was before. The bus came on time the 290 bus that  is and it was after Rancho Bernardo. 

I doubt it Uber right away because I know they least take 10 to 15 minutes for some reason to get up there. Once I got off the bus I waited 

about five minutes. The guy to pick me up had a motivational speaker named Jack Canfield on 

the radio. He’s the guy with chicken soup for the soul been in the skies listening to some motivational bullshit. I looked him up and 

found out that he had an affair with a masseuse.   One of his kids, a son felt he was neglected & got addicted to drugs. He was in some kind 

of band and wrote a book called Daddy Dearest about his childhood. Screw those motivational speakers. Call Neff for that garbage. I came

 is home and we both work we’re looking at tick-tock p.m. traffic route to 35  just started we go to bed

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