Sunday, March 27, 2022

Sunday, March 27: Protest, Cars, Oscars get Violent

Good morning everybody I got up pretty early cause I had a decent night of sleep. And I’m eating breakfast Alice came back from Mimi’s  

and she made some of her delicious French toast and I checked out a little bit of the New York Times Sunday edition that 

she gets every week. I enjoyed looking at it. One of the articles predicts another wave. I’ve been reading about that on TikTok 

for the last three weeks. It’s coming it’s just a matter of how bad it’s going to be.

 Hopefully it’ll hold off until I get back. Anyhow until 1130 we’re at 

us a sidewalk supporting the Ukraine in Poway on Poway Road. The 
protest ended and we went to get some Diet Coke and kill time. I took a bunch of photos and shared them with a few others who 

were there. After words we were right near her used car lot and we decided for the hell of it we will go to this used car lot and see what
 kind of deals they have a family. Boy oh boy! Boy oh boy! That used car prices were absolutely worse than I even imagine. They were trying to sell a 2006 jeep I think it’s the wrangler the smallest one for 20 4K and it has 40,000 miles next we went to Toyota and they didn’t have any in the lot but you can order 

some also told us would be to lease one apparently as long as you drive don’t drive over 12,000 miles the leasing of the car seems to be  the best deal financially. I’m 

afraid to enter into a lease just because I’m kind of afraid to make a commitment that way but if I rent a car for one weekend that’s $300 so do either lease or just f-ing wait.  We next went to him Cooper dealership 

and they sell the mini coopers etc. This is the place where she bought her car 10 years ago. They also had no cars except for one. Obviously I’m not gonna spend 32,000 or more on a car that’s 

not going happening. Next we went to a Greek restaurant models likes. I was here before when I last visited it was very tasty the Gyro head all lamb& no filler. I got home 

around 4:30 PM and I’m not sitting out in the front porch relaxing in the shade. I can actually read the phone in the shade in the sunlight. Well, Alice went 

upstairs and I just read some newspaper and looked at in TikTok. I noticed people were commenting about the Oscars and, yes the
Internet blew
 up when Will Smith slapped Chris Rock. There a whole 
bunch opinions about that. All I can say is he really didn’t need to have to hit the guy on stage he could’ve done handled it a different way. Anyhow the day was interesting, we’ll see what happens next.

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