Friday, April 09, 2021

Friday, April 9: Doing Errands to Lankenau Hospital

Well today I woke up a little earlier so I could get my MA work support list
 ready to 

 e mailed in case I’m indisposed. I’m driving her to the hospital for a procedure that’s gonna 

 ast about three hours. And then going to come back and pick her up.. turns 
but she didn’t need to be anesthetize and she couldn’t because she ate something. So they’re gonna do with  local 
anitheasa  and should be done at 2:30 and I’ll pick her up 

 pproximately 3 o’clock or so. I got caught up in my work Pat stopped in for a moment and fed me some  delicious lunch combo. Cruelty free indeed. And then picked

 her up at Lankenau Hospital and we came back around 3:30 PM. We got back and chilled out for a awhile. I then made a call to get blood work done for the cardiologist.

 ave an appoint with a cardiologist next month May 10 I believe at 4 o’clock. It’s

 a half telehealth appointment
so that’s not a big deal. He just need to see bloodwork 

  think the last time I had bloodwork was in December so that’s a  significant 

 nough time to see if my cholesterol is down. Well, we watched  Erin Brockovich. 

 t’s very good with Julia Roberts. 
 he movie came out in 1999 I believe. That was quite a few years ago. Is the start of the first full weekend in April. At least I think so. Anyhow, that’s about it I can’t wait till this Covid shit is done

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