Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Tuesday, May 14: Humility is the Word on Day 32

Well I woke up this morning on time for the class. I took time out to finish off blogging

 ate a bunch of fig newtons and headed on down. It wasn’t raining so that was good. When I came to the entrance to the class lo and behold I saw the definition of the word 

 umility. Talking about being relevant to my life at this point . It really hit the
nail on the head. Then I went to my 8 o’clock meeting and that was the topic is well. How cool is that! And I needed to stay for the entire meeting stay after 

 he meeting and talk to my sponsor. Yes I’m going to be late as shit for work but this was good for my

 mental health so instead of taking a mental health day or days off work I’ll 

 ust take a mental health 45 minutes. Well I got to work and I did see 4 people

 maybe it was 5 people and gave four of them special allowances. There 

 as the application BS because my coworkers in the hospital. Word is that he’ll recover 

 rom whatever he had which caused him dizziness. It’s cold and windy

 but at least it’s not raining and I am glad of that. Outside my Bubbley world

 there is tensions in the Middle East! Trump Is building towards war while ailiening  allour  allies. Basically the opposite of what George W. Bush and his father did
when they were messing around with the rack. He’s guys are crooks and 

 armongers. Well I went to my therapy session today and I was only about

 a little over five minutes late which is not bad considering when I left work around 5:40. I felt fairly 

 nergetic. So she suggested that I change my plans for Friday to Saturday

 that’s what I wanted to do and not wait till Thursday or Friday

 the teller. I thought that was a good idea and I together you said I felt like I just 

 ost all my energy so I’m going straight home after I order my Gyr

o from the corner lunch truck. I need my Caroline and crashed dramatic

 30 and got up and did my laundry and watched YouTube

 videos I talked to Phone for one with one person tomorrow I 

 ave to change my Friday plans

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