Saturday, March 30, 2019

Sunday, March 30: a Sunny Break

Well after really restless sleep last night I did manage to get up at 8:30 AM this 

 morning. I went back to a meeting I used to go to every week without fail with Larry. This is after I saw a couple of 

familiar people from the program yesterday I haven’t seen in months or even

 years. We hung out at old city coffee which was pretty chill. Couple other people going to a meeting

 were there as well. The meeting was decent I enjoyed it I shared as well. 

 fterwords I thought about going to a 2 o’clock yoga class but it was a bit much. It’s 

 robably good to take a day off. But I’ll be back tomorrow morning at 9:20 and regional class that started it all. Hope the teacher
 has those cooling towels that she used at the end of the class. I went home and I decided to take a nap. Since I didn’t really sleep all that  well last night. I then 

 elped Pat with his throwing out of his old futon. The woman he started dating did mention that it smelled like dog pee.  Nothing 

 ike a woman to get a man to do what he needs to do already. I 

 an attest to that!👍🏽 I decided to do a little bit of laundry which consisted mostly of 

 ndershirts and underwear a towel and my yoga shorts. It’s good to get that out-of-the-way 

 s soon as possible since I know I wouldn’t be up for it after my weekdays. 

 ell hung out at home for a little while. I took a nap which felt 

 onderful. I then rtook the train down to 65th St. and walk to the restaurant and got there

 right after Larry and Veronica. It was a nice place. It was a bit cramped and 

 arm but the pizza was very very good. After that we saw a hard movie

 called The Doll House which was a big grade horror flick which was

 pretty entertaining. I then came home & lounged about. I didn’t have to 

 ush around and get ready to go to bed. That’s for tomorrow night. Anyhow 

 t was a good spring day. The weather was just absolutely wonderful. remains to be seen is by the end of April there should be some major changes. One of them being Joan will be moved out and I will either have a girlfriend or I won’t. Hopefully it’s not a big April fools joke

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